How to wear a scarf with a hooded coat?

Scarf and coat - one of the most popular and harmonious combinations in modern women's fashion. However, a warm or decorative accessory is not always suitable for the selected outerwear style. For example, how to wear a scarf with a hooded coat, imagine not everything. Stylists paid a lot of attention to this issue and offer women of fashion to read the recommendations how to combine two comfortable additions in the image with elegant outer clothing and at the same time remain stylish, refined, refined.

First of all it is worth noting that not always the hood and scarf function simultaneously. But nevertheless their combination can be rather cumbersome and massive, which absolutely excludes elegance and fragility in the image. The most unbeatable option is to tie an accessory under the hood. Volumetric scarves can be worn with a coat in unbuttoned form. Such an ensemble will allow you to put on a hood at any time, but you will not be cold. A similar option is suitable for an image with a warm, but not massive scarf. It can be tied around the neck, and the coat is not fastened to the end.

How to choose a scarf to coat with a hood?

When choosing the method of socks, an important decision remains the question of the model of a scarf to a coat with a hood. After all, the outer clothing can be represented by a classic cut, in the Kazhual style, an unusual original or asymmetrical version. Therefore, we suggest you to understand with what scarf to wear a coat with a hood.

Long narrow scarf . Beautiful models with long ends are best suited for everyday kezhualnye bows. The actual choice of a coat to a long scarf will be an oversize style and straight leg .

Scarf-snoot . Volumetric stitched at the ends of the model are universal. Today snood is considered the most popular kind of scarf, so stylists supplement them with an image with any coat style.

A scarf . This scarf is best worn under a coat with a hood in a classic style. The shawls always look feminine and refined, so the cut-down cut and moderate length is the ideal solution for an image with a gentle accessory.