Humanitarian and technical mentality

The main are the humanitarian and technical mindset, which can be determined through various tests and exercises. Psychologists say that a person has more developed only the left or just the right hemisphere of the brain, which affects the type of thinking. At the same time, there are ways to help develop the features inherent in technicians or humanities.

What is the humanitarian mentality?

With this type of thinking, the right hemisphere is developed, which is responsible for emotions . Such people like theory and are less inclined to practice. To build a logical chain, the humanities use small details. People with such a mindset have a well-developed imagination. Humanitarians are communicative, so they have many acquaintances. They show interest in literature and constantly strive to learn new information . Suitable spheres of activity: journalism, politics, television, writing and many creative directions.

How to develop a technical mindset?

This kind of thinking can be said if a person has developed the left hemisphere of the brain. He is a pragmatic in life, that's why truth is important for him, not emotion. For him rules and logic are important, which allows to reach the correct solution of the problem. A person with a technical mindset can identify important details in the general flow of information, and also offer several solutions to one task.

To develop a technical mindset, you need to work on logic, for example, you can play chess, thinking through the strategy. Regularly solve various mathematical and logical problems. It is recommended to read articles from different areas and communicate with different people. Try to thoroughly study different points of view in order to arrive at the correct conclusion. Use analysis and logic in everyday life at any convenient opportunity.