World Animal Day

It is sad, however, looking at the modern animal world, one can not help realizing that the life of our smaller brothers is in great danger. Over the past decades, the impact of human activity has, to put it mildly, a detrimental effect on the development and conservation of the environment, which is why a huge number of animals are on the verge of extinction.

In order to prevent the worst consequences and to draw the attention of mankind to the acute problems connected with the life of animals, there is a very actual holiday, which the entire civilized world celebrates on October 4 - World Animal Protection Day. This event encourages a person to control the damage done to our lesser brothers, to appreciate and protect all the diversity and richness of the environment. After all, animals, just like people, have their right to a full-fledged existence in this world.

To date, except World Animal Day, there are several other similar holidays dedicated to the protection and protection of all pets on Earth. More details about this we'll talk in our article.

The history and purpose of the World Animal Day

Much to our regret, a significant part of the population of our planet does not think that all damage caused to nature today, in 40-50 years, will negatively affect the lives of future descendants. However, thanks to the active calls and actions of supporters of the protection of our smaller brothers, this topic is gaining popularity.

The history of the World Animal Day is associated with the events of 1931. It was then that an international congress dedicated to the protection of nature was held in one of the colorful cities of Italy - Florence. The participants of this event decided to establish such a useful and necessary holiday in order to draw the attention of the population and authorities to the problems of existence and survival of other inhabitants of our planet.

The date of the celebration of the World Animal Protection Day, October 4, is very symbolic, because in the Catholic Church it is a memorable day dedicated to the famous Saint Francis of Assisi - the patron of the entire animal kingdom on earth. And today in honor of the holiday churches of many countries are serving, dedicated to World Animal Day.

However, some prayers can not be helped here. According to statistics, 75% of domestic animals can be abused by the owners themselves. As a result, not being ready to enter into an independent life, most cats and dogs are on the street, doomed to starvation. That is why in many countries, in order to focus society's attention on such phenomena and to call people who are not indifferent to compassion and help to abandoned pets, celebrate the World Day of Homeless Animals. The date of the holiday changes every year, since it falls on the third Saturday of the last summer month - August. There is also the World Animal Day, which calls for all the owners of their pets with full responsibility, carefully and cares about their four-legged friends.

Annually in honor of celebrating the World Animal Day, various events are held, such as actions, pickets, bidding, awakening in people responsibility for their actions in relation to the animal world. Thanks to this event, everyone has the opportunity to discuss all the pressing problems concerning the smaller brothers, or to become a volunteer. Also, as part of the celebration, you can go through a small course of training elementary help to stray animals, learn the simplest methods of cleaning and protecting the environment.