How to wear stockings with suspenders?

Recently, quite a lot of alternatives have appeared for women's pantyhose. So, for example, long skirts are actual to wear with golf, and under the length midi stylists offer sexy stockings. However, the latter option is less practical. Therefore, along with beautiful stockings, the braces often come complete. To date, the choice of such an accessory is so great that you can buy yourself a woman's stockings for all occasions, as well as for a particular outfit. However, the use of stockings has its own pitfalls. For example, if you do not know how to properly wear braces on stockings, then you are in danger of getting into an absurd situation. After all, if the braces are tightened inaccurately, then stockings can slip, unfasten, or even turn so that they will shine through the skirt or dress. This is especially true for tight clothes.

To every time when dressing this stylish accessory does not raise the question of how to fasten suspenders to stockings, you must first choose the right model. When buying stockings and braces, you need to consider that these underwear items do not hamper the movement. To do this, stockings should fit tightly your legs, and braces the figure, but do not press. Braces are better to choose with metal clasps. Plastic fasteners are often broken, which leads to unnecessary incidents. It is very important to wear stockings correctly. Do this from the bottom up, carefully smoothing the fabric. Then adjust the height of the braces and distribute them evenly at the same distance from each other. And only after that, fasten to stockings.

Girls in stockings on suspenders look very slender, and their legs are even more attractive. In addition, the belt has the ability to correct unnecessary roundness in the hip or waist area. Therefore, this accessory is so popular.