Corn-tar ointment

It is difficult to find a safer and natural remedy for scabies and depriving than sulfur-tar ointment. But its speed is not inferior to modern medical developments, be it ointments, solutions, tablets or other medications. Ointment equally well helps both adults and children, not posing a danger even for the youngest.

Composition and description of sulfur-tar ointment

Serno-tar ointment has antifungal, acaricidal and antimicrobial properties. It belongs to low-hazard substances and, with proper application, has no side effects.

Serno-tar ointment has a simple composition:

The active substances in the ointment are sulfur and tar. Vaseline acts as an auxiliary astringent.

The ointment is a thick, homogeneous gray-brown mass, has a smell of tar. Most often against scabies, depriving and other ailments apply 5-10% sulfur-tar ointments.

Indications for the use of sulfur-tar ointment

The ointment is indicated for external use in any skin diseases in animals. A person can use an ointment to treat scabies and hair loss. The degree of neglect of the disease does not matter, since the ointment is equally good, both at the initial stages of the disease, and with its strong progress.

Instructions for the use of sulfur-tar ointment

Serno-tar ointment for lichen and scabies is applied equally. It must be applied evenly to the damaged areas of the skin (with scabies all over the body, except the head) up to 2 times a day. The course of treatment is not limited, but usually it lasts up to 5-7 days. You can apply the ointment until you get better. The method of application of sulfur-tar paste can be changed according to the advice of the attending physician. After the termination of treatment it is necessary to change bed and underwear.

Sulfur-tar can be used from depriving any variety. It is harmless for adults and children at any age. However, before use, it does not hurt to check the reaction on the skin. To do this, it is necessary to apply the ointment on a small area of ​​the skin for several hours and track the change in its condition. If there is no allergic reaction, then we can start the treatment course safely.

Contraindications to the use of sulfur-tar ointment

Contraindications to the use of ointment is not established. It is safe for both animals and humans. During the treatment of ointment, you can use any other medications without exception.

Packing and storage conditions of sulfur-tar ointment

A sulfur-tar ointment is produced in plastic jars in quantities of 10, 40, 70, 100, 200 and 450 g. Each package must have:

In addition, the package contains instructions for use.

Serno-tar cream should be stored in a cool dry place. It is necessary to limit children's access to ointments and not to allow the penetration of light. After the expiration date, which is two years, ointment can not be applied.

Serno-tar ointment is an excellent tool for the destruction of ectoparasites such as scabies mite. This is a natural product that does not contain artificial additives and other elements that can cause allergies and other side effects. The application of the ointment guarantees a speedy recovery, and therefore it is an excellent anti-diarrhea and treatment for scabies in the home .