Why do hibiscus fall buds?

The stranger from the hot east, hibiscus, has long been on our window sills a habitual guest. Its bright large flowers decorate apartments and offices, restaurants and hotels. But quite often the owners of hibiscus have to face a very unpleasant problem - the buds from their pet begin to fall off, and not opening. Why yellow and fall buds in the room hibiscus, and what to do in this situation you can learn from our article.

Hibiscus falls buds - possible causes

Most often, hibiscus loses buds for the following reasons:

  1. Insufficient watering. Getting into the conditions of temporary drought, hibiscus does its best to keep as much moisture as possible. He can do this in two ways: dropping leaves and dropping buds. To help the plant in this case can only normalize the drinking regime - timely watering and regular sprinkling with warm water.
  2. Lack of nutrients in the soil. During the flowering period, hibiscus needs fertilizing more than ever. Best for these purposes are universal fertilizers containing a sufficient amount of nitrogen and potassium . But specialized fertilizers for flowering plants, on the contrary, can cause a drop in buds. The fact is that they are made with a high content of phosphorus, which affects the flowering of hibiscus in the best way.
  3. Sharp change of conditions of detention. Hibiscus can dump buds as a result of sudden temperature changes, under the influence of drafts and even when rearranged to another place. Therefore, it is not worthwhile without serious reasons to disturb the plant during the flowering period: to transfer it to another window sill, to ventilate the room too zealously and even to turn the pot with hibiscus around its axis.