Squids in wine

Squid cooked in wine is quite simple, but amazingly delicious dish that came to us from Mediterranean cuisine. Calamari are prepared very quickly, literally 10 - 15 minutes, not more, but they are very delicate and juicy. Garlic, wine and dried aromatic herbs give the dish a stunningly original aroma and amazing taste, and adding fresh tomatoes will make the dish very attractive and mouth-watering. Squid in wine can be served not only in hot, but also in a cold form. They can be the main dish, and can act in a snack bar. Let's review with you some recipes for cooking this delicious dish.

Recipe for squid stewed in wine



Now tell you how to cook squid in wine. Carcases of squid are cleaned, washed, dried and cut into rings. In the frying pan, we warm up the olive oil, lay out the peeled and chopped onion, chopped garlic, and then the chopped squid. We pour in white wine, season with salt and spices, stew for about 5-7 minutes on a weak fire. Tomatoes finely shred, pre-scalded them with boiling water and taking off their peel. Add the tomatoes to the squid and cook another 3 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle all the lemon juice, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and decorate with a circle of lemon.

Squid in tomato sauce and wine



Separate the tentacles from the body of the squid and cut into small rings. In a saucepan, mix tomato paste, pour in red wine, lemon juice, olive oil, put crushed garlic, basil, black and red pepper, grated cheese. Simmer everything on a slow fire for 30 minutes, so that the alcohol is completely evaporated, and all the flavors are mixed together. After that, we add to the cooked sauce pieces of squid. We continue to simmer for another 20 - 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. The squid will be ready when it becomes opaque and swells.

Squid stewed in wine with vegetables



Tomatoes scalded properly with hot water, peeled and shredded in small cubes. Then put them in a pan, pour olive oil, and stew for 5 minutes. Green parsley rinse, shake, finely chop, garlic clean and extruded through the press. Carcases of squid are processed, rubbed with salt and left to marinate. After that, cut into small rings and fry for 3 minutes in olive oil.

Next, pour in the wine and cook everything on high heat for about 1 minute, so that the alcohol could evaporate. Then add prepared tomatoes, squeezed garlic, finely chopped parsley, put pepper and salt to taste. At the very end, pour in lemon juice and cook for about 3 minutes, then turn off the fire and let the dish brew for about half an hour. After the passage of time, we shift the squid in wine to a dish, decorate it with olives without seeds and lemon slices.

We liked our recipes, then we recommend to study tips for making squid in sour cream or pickled squid .