Hawthorn flowers - medicinal properties

Even professional medics recognize the effectiveness of medicines given to us by nature. The practice of using hawthorn in the treatment of various diseases was used several thousand years ago in the Roman Empire. Then it was believed that the beneficial properties are mostly endowed with hawthorn flowers, and not its fruits. Modern pharmacists have long used medicinal berries in the preparation of chemist's drugs, well, folk healers advise to apply flowers to those who need:

In addition to the above, tinctures prepared from hawthorn flowers quickly restore strength, enhance immunity, strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, improve blood composition.

It should be noted that in traditional medicine, given the rich useful properties, hawthorn flowers are also used for the manufacture of drugs.

What is the use of hawthorn?

Hawthorn is useful in that it includes several vitamins (A, B, C, K, E), which, in turn, give flowers to the plant unlimited therapeutic possibilities.

Also useful properties of hawthorn flowers are due to the content of such components as:

It is important to understand that the beneficial properties are mainly endowed with hawthorn flowers, and not just its fruits.

Preparation of medicines from hawthorn flowers

There are several ways to prepare a medicine from hawthorn flowers, of which the most popular are the following recipes.

1 recipe:

  1. 1 tbsp. Spoon chopped hawthorn flowers pour 250 ml of hot boiled water.
  2. We put the container on the water bath, necessarily covered with a lid.
  3. After 15 minutes, remove, cool and filter.

Drink the drug three times a day for half an hour before a meal of 60 ml. Tincture must be prepared daily, because the useful properties of hawthorn are preserved in full only for 24 hours from the moment of preparation.

2 recipe:

  1. Glassware filled with crushed hawthorn flowers 150 grams.
  2. Pour the contents of 1 liter of vodka.
  3. Then cover with a lid and put in a dark and cool place for 10 days, with daily mixing.

Drink before meals 20 to 30 drops three times a day. If treatment lasts more than a month, it is necessary to take a break not less than 10 days. The product can be stored for 4 years in a cool and dark place in a restricted access for children.

3 recipe:

  1. Finely chop the flowers of hawthorn and 10 grams with 250 grams of boiling water.
  2. Then insist for three hours in a fairly warm place, and then strain.

Take 20-30 ml in the morning and evening before eating.

Tinctures can be made both from fresh flowers and from dried ones. It is difficult to keep dry flowers, because in the material collected for drying, there is often a color flower that eats the inflorescence, leaving only sticks and leaves from the harvested crop. To get out of this situation, one can only pick flowers when they have not yet opened, that is, in the bud phase. Keep them strictly in places that do not allow air to escape, in order to avoid weathering and loss of flowers of their useful qualities.

Contraindications for use

Tinctures of hawthorn flowers can not be used in large doses, as nausea, heart rhythm, blood pressure or allergic reaction may occur. It is contraindicated to use them during pregnancy and with increased sensitivity to the drug.

Taking into account the useful properties of hawthorn, it can be concluded that the tinctures prepared from this plant are an indispensable tool for people having heart problems.