Sleep-herb - medicinal properties and recipes

Nature has given humanity a lot of interesting plants, for example, the mysterious dream-grass is not only beautiful, but also useful. Call it "ordinary ordinary". A plant appears when there is still snow on the ground. Since ancient times, it is used in folk medicine.

What is a dream-grass?

Common lobster refers to poisonous plants, and it is listed in the Red Book. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that flowering can continue throughout the year. Common lumbago or sleep-grass is collected during the flowering period. It is not necessary to rip apart individual parts of the plant, but completely the bushes along with the roots. Note that the juice of the flower in contact with skin can lead to burns. Dry in a shaded and ventilated room. In folk medicine, juice from fresh leaves and flowers is still used.

What does a dream grass look like?

To describe the presented medicinal plant it is worth noting the following facts:

  1. Sleep-grass is a perennial culture that multiplies only by seeds.
  2. The stem is erect and in most cases it reaches a height of 15 cm, but there are specimens and 40 cm in length. On top, it is covered with soft hairs.
  3. The flower has the shape of a bell and is painted in a light purple hue. It is worth noting the presence of a large number of yellow anthers.
  4. The leaves are silvery, dissected, and have a strong edge.

Sleep-herb - medicinal properties

As a result of the studies, a large number of useful properties of lumbago were found.

  1. The dream-grass flower has a sedative effect. He copes well with spasms, germs and fungi.
  2. They use it as an anesthetic, and the plant has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, so it is considered an excellent sedative and hypnotic.
  3. Sleep-grass is a medicine that can be used externally, and all thanks to the presence of irritating, anesthetic and other properties.
  4. It is worth noting that the plant is widely used in homeopathy, so the preparations of "Pulsatilla" are made from fresh plants.
  5. It is important to specify that the sleep-grass should be applied according to the dosage, which must be agreed with the doctor. At the use of the big doses inflammation of a mucosa GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT and kidneys is possible. In the presence of individual intolerance, the development of paralysis is possible.

Sleep grass - tincture on alcohol

If alcohol is used for the preparation of a traditional medicinal product, then it can be effectively applied inside and outside. In the first case, it is important to carefully monitor the dose, as exceeding it can be dangerous to health. Lumbago (sleep-grass) is effective for different flavors, for example, with rheumatic pain. Tincture is well absorbed, penetrating into deep tissues and improving the condition of the patient.



  1. Insist mixed ingredients throughout the week in a warm place, away from sunlight.
  2. After the end of the allotted period, strain the tincture and use it. Keep it recommended in a jar of dark glass in a cool place.
  3. When administered orally, the dosage in most cases is 10 drops twice a day after meals. Better tincture diluted with water.

Sleep-grass for joints

The presented medicinal plant copes well with inflammations, painful sensations and spasms, therefore it will be useful for different problems with joints. The above alcoholic tincture is recommended in the affected areas to draw a mesh. The lumbago open or sleep-grass is used for the preparation of infusion, which is often used externally. It is effective not only for the joints, but also for bruises, scabies and various skin lesions.



  1. Combine the prepared ingredients and insist them for 12 hours.
  2. It only remains to strain and can be used for rubbing problem areas. Under the supervision of the doctor, infusion can be taken inside.

Herb lumbago - cancer treatment

Many plants have proven themselves as an effective tool in the treatment of oncology. The plant sleep-grass has a strong antitumor effect, so it is used to treat cancer of any location. It is important to understand that it can only be an auxiliary tool and take it only with the permission of the doctor. To treat cancer, use a decoction, for the preparation of which you need dry medicinal raw materials.



  1. Plant the plant with water and put on a small fire. Boil everything for a minute.
  2. After that, turn off the plate, and insist the broth for another half hour, and then strain.
  3. Take the broth is necessary for 1-2 tbsp. spoon three times a day after eating.