Plots for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the most effective rituals and ceremonies

Plots for the Annunciation have a tremendous power that can correct life for the better. There are different magical texts designed for specific situations. To conspire, it is necessary to read them, following a set of rules.

Plots for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Church holidays have a huge energy that believers can use for their own good. In order for the rituals and conspiracies of the Annunciation to work, it is necessary to consider the following:

  1. You can not make adjustments to the text, and every word should be read correctly.
  2. Plots for the Annunciation should not imply harm to other people.
  3. Before reciting conspiracies it is recommended to read three times "Our Father".
  4. It is necessary to conduct rituals in solitude, so that nothing interferes and does not distract. It is important to get rid of extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the goal.
  5. Plots for the Annunciation must be read, being in a good mood and with a calm head.

Conspiracy for Luck for the Annunciation

With the help of special magic texts, one can attract luck for a whole year, thanks to which the situations in life will develop as well as possible, and the questions will be solved in a short time and without much effort. Plots for Annunciation should be pronounced according to the instructions given:

  1. First you need to buy fresh honey.
  2. On a festive day, spread the sweetness on the right palm.
  3. Connect it to your left hand and rub it for a while until it is possible. Immediately after this, it is necessary to say a conspiracy to the Annunciation.
  4. At the end, wash your hands, imagining how everything in life changes for the better.

Conspiracies in the Annunciation on Wealth

Many people have financial problems, which directly affects the quality of life. For those who are interested in whether there are conspiracies for the Annunciation, it is worth using a simple but effective ritual:

  1. First, you need to prepare a small container, in which all actions will be taken. Another take seven coins and best of all, if they are old, because they contain a large number of natural metals than in the money that is being produced now.
  2. In addition, prepare a scarf made of natural tissue and cereals. It is recommended to give preference to wheat or sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds.
  3. At the bottom of the prepared capacity, put the coins and fill them with the selected grains. After that, pour in the same water.
  4. Cover the container with both hands and read the conspiracy for money in the Annunciation.
  5. At the end of the ceremony, cover the capacity with a handkerchief, and when the coins germinate, they must be transferred to the purse in the compartment with the money.

Plots of love for the Annunciation

The most popular are the rites that are used to attract love. There are special conspiracies and rituals for the Annunciation on love, which give chance to lonely people to meet with the second half. Among the simplest it is possible to distinguish the following:

  1. To perform the ritual, you need to prepare a mirror, a sheet of paper, a red pen, a candle and a box. The main color of love and passion is red, so this parameter of objects is important to consider.
  2. Light the candle and write on paper the qualities that a future lover should have. It is necessary to indicate approximate height, weight, age and social status.
  3. Fold the paper and put it in the box.
  4. At the next stage, take a mirror, and without looking away from your own reflection, tell the plot.
  5. After that, the candle should be blown out, and the items used for the ritual, put in a box. She is hidden in a secret place so that other people can not find magical things. It is believed that in the near future it will be possible to meet its fate.

The conspiracy to marry the Annunciation

The presented rite can only be used by girls who have never been married before. Plots and ceremonies for the Annunciation to marry are aimed at attracting love, preserving the senses and building a strong and happy marriage. It is necessary to approach it before sunrise.

  1. It is necessary to put on a loose shirt without a belt and dissolve the hair. Wash three times with cold running water, repeating the conspiracy number 1.
  2. Open the window so you can see how the sun rises. If this is not possible, then you need to go outside. In this case, you can put on a raincoat or a coat on top of the shirt.
  3. When the sun begins to appear on the horizon, it is necessary to turn to him, telling plot No. 2. After that you can go home.

Plots for the Annunciation on Pregnancy

The Mother of God is the strongest defender and patroness of women who want to become mothers. For those who are interested in what conspiracies do on the Annunciation to become pregnant, we offer a ritual that has great power, and spend it for a day.

  1. In the evening, sit in front of the mirror, put your hands on your stomach and stroke it, making circular motions. At this time, you need to pray to God for the gift of a healthy child . In conclusion, you need to say the phrase "In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".
  2. After that, take a fresh honey tell him over the conspiracy number 1. Prepared sweetness should try both spouses. After that you can go to sleep.
  3. In the morning it is necessary to go to church and buy a candle and the icon "Unexpected Joy". To proceed to the second part of the ritual follows in the evening. Alone put the icon in front of you and light the candle on the right side.
  4. After that, read the magic text number 2 and put out the fire with your hand. Conspiracies for the Annunciation help you cleanse yourself of the possible negativity and become pregnant.

Conspiracies on the health of the Annunciation

In this great church holiday you can turn to the Theotokos to heal from the existing disease, strengthen your health and rejuvenate. There are various conspiracies for the Annunciation on recovery, for example, for one of them it is necessary to prepare the nettle, which must be collected in clean territories and dried. In the evening before sunset, brew tea by adding a few leaves of nettle to the tea leaves, and tell the plot. Drink a drink, introducing yourself healthy and young.

In order not to get sick during the whole year, you can prepare a special Annunciation salt. According to reviews with her help you can get rid of even serious illnesses.

  1. Pre-purchase a pack of salt, and in the Annunciation before dawn, it should be poured into a pan and calcined for 10-20 minutes. During this, utter a conspiracy to salt the Annunciation, which the person must come up with himself and it must come from a pure heart, for example: "For the health of the body and spirit, beauty and longevity." You can read and pray.
  2. After this, when the salt has cooled down, put it in a separate jar or bag and store it in a separate place. Salt can be used throughout the year, for example, add to food, remove it with the help of the evil eye and clean up things and premises.
  3. If all the benediction salt was not used for a year, then before the holiday it is necessary to burn it. It is believed that with the salt all the troubles and problems will disappear. After that, you can prepare a new salt.

Conspiracies in the Annunciation on Beauty

Since ancient times, girls have used different magical rites to preserve their beauty, get rid of possible defects and reveal their inner attraction. The plots on the day of the Annunciation, which are held at home, have a huge power.

  1. First you need to go to church and put three candles near the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary and buy the same amount to take home. Some time should stand near the image and turn to the Mother of God in your own words, to ask for beauty. Be sure to cross yourself, take holy water with you and go home.
  2. At midnight, all alone, it is necessary to light the candles brought from the church near the image of the Virgin and put a glass of holy water next to it.
  3. Say a conspiracy, and then, drink a little and bathe in holy water.

Conspiracy to Annunciation from Enemies

In life, people often face aggression, envy and embitterment of others. Some people are capable of much to harm and aggravate the life of the object of their hatred. Enemies can be overcome in many ways, for example, using the power of magic. In such a situation it is necessary to know what conspiracies can be done on the Annunciation, in order to protect ourselves from enemies. There is one simple way to guard against any negativity - to read a special text-amulet in the evening on a holiday.

Annunciation is a plot on business

Business people regularly face different situations that require immediate resolution and the success of the enterprise depends on the right choice. Many are interested in what conspiracies on the Annunciation can be read for business, and so there are special magical spells that are aimed at stabilizing the state, getting rid of negativity from competitors, attracting customers and so on. In the morning it is necessary to pour water into a regular glass and talk a whisper into it in a whisper. After this, the liquid should be drunk in small sips.

The conspiracy to trade at the Annunciation

The trade sphere is fraught with many pitfalls, so not everyone can achieve success in it. The most common problem is the insufficient number of buyers, which directly affects profits. Help consoles the existing problems conspiracies in the Annunciation on a successful trade. Everything is very simple: you need to take the water is normal, but you can sacred. Above it, read the three times the plot presented. Prepared water should be sprinkled with a trading place before the arrival of customers.

Conspiracy to work in the Annunciation

Since a person spends a lot of time at work, it is quite clear that there are many different problems associated with it, for example, some people can not find the right place, others face bad attitude of their superiors and colleagues, while others want to advance in their careers, but so far they have not achieved the desired goal. You can read conspiracies for the Annunciation to find work and to correct other problems in the workplace. The text below is recommended to be spoken together with the akathist near the icon "Skoroposlushnitsa".

Conspiracy for the Annunciation to sell an apartment

Transactions related to real estate are almost always accompanied by experiences to find a good buyer and to conduct a transaction quickly and without problems. There is no special magic text for successful selling, but there is a universal option that helps you get help and support in different situations. Plot for Annunciation to sell a house must be read before the image of the Virgin. Be sure to contact the Mother of God and state your desire regarding the successful sale of housing, and tell us about the reasons that lead to the transaction.