Menses during pregnancy

Every modern woman knows that the main symptom of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. But there are cases where during 3-4 months after conception a woman continues to have menstrual discharge. And these "interesting" stories are transmitted by women from mouth to mouth, which gives them an excuse to wonder whether there is still menstruation during pregnancy and how do they pass monthly during pregnancy?

Let's try to figure out if menstruation is possible during pregnancy.

In fact, menstruation during pregnancy can not be. Those spotting that a woman mistaken for menstrual, have a slightly different cause and origin.

Causes of menses during pregnancy

False menses during pregnancy occur if the hormones responsible for the menstrual cycle, suppress pregnancy hormones for a certain time. Menstruation in this case can begin ahead of time, and already in the next cycle pregnancy is detected. In this case, there is implantation bleeding, which is due to the fact that the fertilized egg is immersed in the endometrium, causing a slight bleeding, which can be mistaken for menstruation.

Something similar to menstruation can happen at the beginning of pregnancy and because a fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. The mucous membrane of the uterus is slightly ruptured and a small amount of blood is released. And by the timing it roughly coincides with the estimated woman's date of the onset of menstruation. These secretions can be repeated from time to time until the embryo grows up.

Abundant months of pregnancy

Sometimes abundant "menstrual" during pregnancy can be a symptom of a miscarriage that has begun. In this situation, bleeding is slightly different from the usual menstruation. He is accompanied by more intense spasms and more abundant discharge. With ectopic pregnancy , a woman also has something resembling menstruation. But the discharge is watery or darker in color. They are usually accompanied by a sharp pain in the lower abdomen (on the one hand). In such a situation, it is necessary to call a doctor, as an ectopic pregnancy can threaten the life of a woman and requires immediate treatment.

Another reason that a woman has started "menstruation", when she knows exactly about her pregnancy, can be various diseases of the vagina and cervix, which have a peculiarity to become aggravated during pregnancy, because it is in this condition that the pelvic organs are especially full of blood.

Bleeding, perceived as monthly in pregnancy, can arise because the woman's body increases the content of androgen - the male hormone, which can lead to detachment of the fetus and, consequently, miscarriage. In this situation, pregnant women are prescribed special medications.

Ostensibly menses occur and when the fetus is unsuccessfully attached to the wall of the uterus. Due to a lack of oxygen, miscarriage occurs.

It can become a provocateur of bleeding and multiple pregnancies in the event that one fruit was torn off for one reason or another.

But in any case, if during pregnancy a woman has menstruation, and it has an unusual character (it may be more painful, the discharge has a different color, and their volume varies), then this serves as a serious reason for consulting the doctor. After all, the causes of this phenomenon can be quite harmless, and may also pose a danger to the health of women and the fetus.