Ophiuchus - 13 Sign of the Zodiac

Formally, the 13th sign of the Ophiuchus is not numbered in the Zodiac, but based on many factors and long-term observations, it is increasingly difficult to deny the influence of this constellation. In the free Wikipedia Internet encyclopedia about the 13th sign of the zodiac Ophiuchus , only a short note is written, which says that traditional astrology adheres to the division of the solar ecliptic into 12 sectors.

The constellation Ophiuchus attracted the attention of astronomers, who in 20-30 years of the last century were engaged in the revision of the boundaries of the constellations and found that the Sun for a short period falls into the zone of the Ophiuchus. For the official science of astronomy, this fact did not matter much, but many astrologers became interested and engaged in studying the influence of this constellation on people born during the passage of the luminary in its celestial sector. It turned out that mention of this constellation is still in ancient Greek mythology.

Period of influence Ophiuchus

To determine the exact period of exposure time, you first need to determine between which signs the 13th sign of the zodiac Ophiuchus is located. Doubts about the entry of this sign into the circle of the Zodiac are also reflected in the highly controversial dates of his influence. Astrologers of different schools assume a period of passage of the Sun sector of this constellation for different periods. Most sources meet between November 15 and 30. This time, according to one of the Greek legends, is called the "burned path".

This term is associated with the myth of how the son of Phaeton climbed into the chariot of the sun god Helios, but the strength and skill of the young nahal was not enough to control the horses. The result of this trick was a heavenly fire from an inverted chariot that lasted about 10 days. According to the legend and calculations of astrologers, the "burnt way" of the 13th sign of Ophiuchus covers the last 7 and a half days of Scorpio and the first 7 days of Sagittarius.

Characteristics of the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus

It is absolutely not necessary that every person born in the specified period will have all the features inherent in Ophiuchus. Here, factors such as the location of the planets and the time of birth, that is, all the data that is included in the natal chart of a person, are important. The influence of the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus can be determined by some character traits and behavioral factors:

A person with a strong influence of Ophiuchus - an individual is not ordinary and versatile, they can bring light and joy into this world, but they can become an embodiment of negative features. Walking along the bright path, these people can become great healers, psychics, doctors, philosophers, since their innate abilities to know the world and sciences are simply unique.

Personality who chose the dark path, build their lives on achieving a high status, the power that is used to meet their own needs. One of the most incredible features of Ophiuchus is the ability to degenerate. They can realize their own dark sides, overcome them and start life from scratch.

Astrologers believe that Ophiuchus, like a bird Phoenix, can burn themselves to the ground and reborn from the ashes. As a rule, light and dark representatives of this sign counterbalance each other. You can, for example, meet such a comparison as Augusto Pinochet and Sathya Sai Baba - two great Ophiuchus living at the same time. Ophiuchus with a special mission on Earth are marked by a special "Y" sign, which can be placed on the body in the form of moles or birthmarks.