If a man does not want to get married

Strange, but for all the opposite of a man and a woman, they are very dependent on each other. For example, many girls fear that their man is afraid to marry, and desperately try to persuade him to take a serious step - creating a family and getting married, although in a couple of years of marriage, a good half of these couples will be dissatisfied with their decision, and some even marry " at the seams. " Nevertheless, we will try to understand the male psychology, in order to hear from the beloved soon the cherished proposal of the hand and heart.

Why are men afraid to marry?

To a greater extent, male fears about marriage are based on myths:

Myth number 1. Marriage "ruins" the sex life. Most couples actually have problems with diversity over time, but this can be perceived as one more reason to experiment.

Actually. Proximity inclines to emancipation, because a constant partner allows you to live without anxiety about various sexually transmitted diseases, and allows you to be frank about your desires, if your spouse has a trusting relationship.

Myth number 2. He thinks that now he will have to work several times more to support his wife and children.

Actually. Wives also know how to work, and some (truly outstanding women) even managed to outbid their spouse in income. The family is a wonderful incentive to achieve career heights and a good position in society: the earlier a man realizes that he must strive upwards, the better, first of all, for him.

Myth number 3. He is afraid that the family will take away from him his precious free time.

Actually. What he had to do before himself, now will do at least two people: wash dishes, clean in the apartment, do repairs, cook, etc. With a skilful distribution of responsibilities, you can free up time not only for "lying on the couch", "playing games," "watching football," and even to communicate with his wife and children.

Therefore, the question "do men want to marry" is an unequivocal answer, they want, but they are afraid of responsibility and insolent encroachment on their freedom.

On whom do men want to marry and what kind of girls they certainly do not take as wives?

They say that a man chooses a wife that looks like his mother. This is true, but not for all cases, let's figure it out.

Which girls are married?

What women are not married?

Overboard of family life are usually cold beauties who believe that they are created only for princes and kings. In the same category, those women who are too fond of freedom and are not capable of compromise: no real man will reconcile with the fact that next to him is not a fragile lady, but a real commander in a skirt that leads and orders to obey.

What if the man does not want to get married?

If a man can not "ripen" to a serious step, then he needs help in this.

  1. How to persuade a man to marry? First you need to try to convince him, but for the right arguments, find out the real reasons for this behavior. Afraid to lose his freedom? Then tell more often, how many opportunities are opened before him in marriage.
  2. How to make a man want to get married? If a man is very much in love and is afraid of losing his woman, then he can explain to him that marriage is very important, and if it takes too long to "decide", then your roads can disperse.
  3. How to push a man to marry? To push to marriage is to provoke. The stories about the mythical pregnancy of the Brazilian television series - from this category, but they are an unfortunate option, as a lie does not build a happy relationship. Push a man to a marriage can only real circumstances: not a fictional pregnancy, the alleged long separation from a lover or serious competition.

Nevertheless, despite the strong desire for marriage, a woman must remember one wise folk proverb: "To marry is not to attack, as if married not to be wasted." It is important to realize that marriage should not become an end in itself, it is, above all, a reason to spend one's life with a single man.