Steel wedding

Every year the couple celebrates the anniversary of their wedding, the name of which changes annually: steel, wooden, silk, gold, etc. A certain theme allows to arrange a real holiday with its customs and traditions.

How many years do they celebrate a steel wedding?

After 11 years of marriage, the relationship between a man and a woman acquires the qualities inherent in steel. Due to difficulties and adversities, they became smooth and durable, like metal. Many believe that this period is ideal, as the partners continue to appreciate each other, but they have already formed a lasting alliance.

The traditions of a steel wedding

Such holidays have been celebrated for many years, with different rites and ceremonies. For example, in order to remove the negatives accumulated over the years, it is recommended to perform a ritual of bathing the couple at dawn. Husband and wife, holding hands, should be naked at the same time plunge into the water. If there is no way to do this in a natural pond, you can use the bathroom.

Another ritual - you need to hang a horseshoe over the front door with steel horns up. It will play the role of protecting the family hearth from negative influence, numerous difficulties and problems. Only to do it it is necessary together, for example, the wife submits nails and a hammer, and the husband strengthens.

You can conduct a ritual of exchange. On this day, the husband and wife exchange things that are very expensive for them. Spouses sit opposite each other and give gifts, the role of which can perform completely different objects. At this time, you need to say these words: " I use this box (kerchief, etc.) every day and can not do without it (him), I trust you her (his) safety. Let this thing belong to you from now on . " This ritual is a symbol of unity, that after the lived years together, the spouses have everything in common, even the most beloved things.

Since 11 years of living together, you have already learned each other so much that there is nothing to change in the relationship, in this year it is recommended to make changes in the house. You can spend a banal reshuffle or global repair, it all depends on your desire and ability. The best option is to install a fireplace, as it is a symbol of home comfort.

Celebrating a Steel Wedding

11 years of marriage are celebrated in a narrow circle, at a steel wedding there must be a married couple whose happy union exists more time. This is a good sign that foreshadows you a happy family life. It is also recommended to invite children to the holiday, as they are a symbol of renewal.

On this day it is important to buy a bouquet of 11 colors and if it stays 11 days, then the marriage will be long. To fulfill these conditions it is recommended to buy carnations, chrysanthemums and other flowers that cost a long time. Ask one of your friends to take on the responsibilities of the toastmaster, his words will come from the heart, which carries a charge of positive energy.

What to give for a steel wedding?

When choosing a presentation, you must follow the theme, that is, the subject must have something in common with the metal. The choice of options is quite large:

  1. Set of dishes or set with steel elements. It is important to the items selected had one common package.
  2. They give to the steel wedding products made of white metal, so the choice is big enough: candlesticks, cutlery, flower stands, photo frames, various objects for the kitchen, etc.
  3. Excellent objects for such a celebration will be items that give "light", for example, a beautiful chandelier or floor lamp.
  4. A great gift for a steel wedding - a set of 11 items, for example, different figures, nesting dolls, jewelry, etc.