Incontinence of urine on coughing

Incontinence is the spontaneous release of urine, which is not controlled by man's strong-willed effort. Often, urinary incontinence, may occur when coughing.


According to statistics, about 45% of females age 40-60 years old have symptoms of uncontrolled urination. This is due, first of all, to numerous features in the structure of the female genitourinary system. The main causes that can lead to urinary incontinence during a cough are:


There are the following main types of urinary incontinence:

  1. Stress is an involuntary, independent release of urine in a small amount. The main cause, in this case, is tension (when coughing, sneezing, and changing the position of the body, etc.).
  2. Urgent - spontaneous allocation of urine, immediately after an irresistible urge to act of urination. In this case, the woman simply can not hold the urination, and, as a rule, does not have time for the toilet.
  3. Mixed type - a combination of the two types described above.


To correctly identify the causes of such a disease as incontinence and prescribe the right treatment, it is necessary to properly diagnose. To do this, a woman is prescribed a number of studies: vaginal examination (smears), ultrasound of the bladder .


Treatment of urinary incontinence, which is observed with a strong cough, sneezing depends directly on the causes of the disease and therefore provides for different methods of treatment.

The main method used to treat urinary incontinence with cough is slinging, minimally invasive operations.

In addition, doctors often resort to the use of conservative methods of treatment. They are based on physical exercises, the purpose of which is to strengthen the muscles located in the pelvic area. At that number of women who are in premenopausal age, conduct local hormonal therapy.

Any treatment of enuresis involves the use of behavioral therapy, physiotherapy procedures, as well as medical treatment, which in complex helps to cope with this problem.