Scanty monthly after 40 years - reasons

In the body of a woman with age there are numerous changes. One such is menstruation, which is closer to 40 years, changing its character. This is connected, first of all, with the extinction of the function of the ovaries, which leads to a change in the hormonal background. Let's take a closer look at this period and try to answer the question as to why after the 40 years there are scanty monthly.

What are the features of the climacteric period?

As you know, menstrual flow stops not immediately. In the beginning there is such phenomenon, as a menopause, - time of absence monthly. By duration, this period can take several years, from 2 to 8.

In addition, at this time there is a violation of the maturation of the follicle, resulting in menstruation after menopause may not arrive on time. This fact can be called as one of the reasons for the meager monthly after 40 years.

Because of what in women of menopausal age can be observed small in terms of monthly volume?

If we talk about how the monthly changes after 40 years, it should be noted that in this period, both an increase and decrease in the volume of menstrual blood is possible.

In most cases, in women of this age, menstruation gradually turns into a so-called smear. In this case, they note the appearance of soreness in the lower abdomen, and the basal temperature is at a high level. All this is often accompanied by frequent urination. The duration of excretions increases and reaches 6 days. In such cases, a woman needs medical advice, because one of the causes of the mask instead of the monthly after 40 years can be inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, or even the appearance of tumors.

The complete absence of menstrual discharge at this age, as a rule, indicates hormonal disorders. In such a situation, the doctor prescribes a blood test for hormones such as estradiol, luteinizing hormone, FSH. If one of them is deficient, appropriate therapy is performed.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the reasons for the meager monthly after 40 years can be very diverse. That's why you should not neglect the gynecological, preventive examination, and pass it on time. This will allow to detect pathology at an early stage and start its treatment in time.