Laparotomy for Pfannenstil

Laparotomy for Pfannenstil is widely used in operative interventions on the genitals. Access by Pfannenstil means a cross-section in the region of the suprapubic fold. In this case, the seam is along the line of the "bikini" and thus is practically not noticeable.

Main stages

With laparotomy according to Pfannenstil the following actions are performed:

  1. Cut the skin in the transverse direction. The incision along Pfannenstiel is made approximately 3 cm above the connection of the pubic bones. The length is about 11 cm. At the same time, this indicator depends more on the physique of the woman and on the volume of the forthcoming surgical intervention.
  2. The aponeurosis is cut along the middle line of the abdomen.
  3. They break down the muscle fibers.
  4. Cut the peritoneum.
  5. Expand access by pulling away cut fabrics with special tools.
  6. The loops of the intestine are fenced off with napkins, so as not to damage.
  7. As a result, a correctly performed abdominal incision in Pfannenstil provides a good overview and access to the female's internal genitalia.
  8. After performing the surgical procedures, all tissues are sewn layer by layer.

In addition to the absence of cosmetic defects after surgery, a rare occurrence of postoperative hernias is also characteristic.

When is it necessary to apply access to Pfannenstil?

If laparoscopic surgical procedures are not possible, laparotomic access is used. Basically, a cesarean section is used according to Pfannenstil, and after the delivery through this access, the duration of the postoperative period is reduced. Indications for the operation of Pfannenstil are also uterine myoma, interventions on the bladder.

After operation

First of all, you need a good analgesia. If necessary, prescribe antibacterial drugs. In the postoperative period after laparotomy Pfannenstil is allowed to sit down just a few hours after the intervention. By the end of the first day you can get up with the help, but with caution.

For puerperas, it is important to start breastfeeding as soon as possible. On the first day is not recommended to eat, you can only drink water. On the second day, light, low-fat meals are allowed. But by the third day, you should return to a full-fledged diet, which is necessary for a nursing mother.

The medical staff every day produces a dressing for the postoperative wound. Under favorable circumstances, suture material is removed at the end of the first week.