Nettle with monthly

There is an opinion that the infusion of nettle is used to "cause" or "stop" abundant periods. Let's consider why this myth appeared, and how in fact the decoction of nettle affects the female body with menstruation.

Let's start with the fact that the healing properties of the decoction of nettles have been known since time immemorial. The ancients often used this plant to stop bleeding, to treat wounds, especially purulent, and were also well acquainted with the diuretic property of this plant. Of course, at that time no one could bring scientific arguments that would prove that nettle really is a herbal remedy. But to date, when the biochemical composition of the nettle is more than known, every girl who has encountered the problem of copious periods knows that a decoction of nettle is very effective for solving this problem.

So, what is the basis for the result of taking nettle infusion with menstruation?

During menstruation, the inner layer of the uterus is removed, which is accompanied by bleeding. That is, we can say that the consequence of this process is the formation of "wounds" that need to be healed.

So, firstly, nettle is very rich in vitamin K, which in turn is an extremely necessary link in the chain of blood coagulation.

Secondly, the leaves of the nettle contain a huge amount of iron, which can replace the amount that is lost with blood. Also, nettle contains ascorbic acid, which promotes the absorption of iron.

Thirdly, in the broth of nettle contains chlorophyll - a substance that takes an active part in the process of wound healing.

Together, all these properties provide a haemostatic (haemostatic) effect after taking nettle decoction with monthly.

How to prepare and drink a decoction of nettles with abundant periods?

In order to prepare a decoction of nettles burning, you will need one spoonful of dry leaves, as well as 200 ml (a glass) of boiled water. The resulting mass should be left to infuse in opaque dishes (preferably ceramic) for 2 hours. This infusion should be drunk 3 times a day, on a teaspoonful.

Also, with very abundant periods, you can drink juice from the leaves of the nettle. Prepare it as follows:

  1. Squeeze a teaspoon of nettle juice.
  2. Dilute in 50 ml of water.
  3. Drink the resulting mass 20 minutes before each meal (3 times a day).

There are also contraindications for taking a decoction of nettle:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Increased coagulability of blood (can lead to the formation of blood clots).
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. Nephritis, nephrosis, kidney failure.

Well, in the end, we will fulfill our promise - we will dispel myths about a stop and provocation monthly with the help of broth of a nettle.

In no way can nettle contribute to a "spontaneous" stop of menstruation. Of course, given the above properties of this plant, you can expect a decrease in the abundance of menstruation, a reduction in pain syndrome, an early "healing" of the inner layer of the uterus.

It can stop monthly only if you are on the last "100 meters" of menstruation. Also, it is impossible with the help of a decoction of nettles and "call" monthly. This infusion can contribute to the regulation of the cycle (due to the moderate anti-inflammatory effect) and also a huge number of vitamins, among which vitamin E (important for the female hormonal background).

Moreover, we want to note that very abundant periods, which are accompanied by pain and disruption of the cycle, are signs of very unpleasant diseases. Therefore, we advise you to consult your gynecologist for further action.

Be healthy!