HRT in early menopause

Cases when menopause occurs at the age of about 40 years, is called the early menopause. So premature aging of an organism could be provoked by a variety of reasons, such as severe stress, an incorrect lifestyle, smoking, drinking alcohol, treating oncological diseases with chemotherapy, heredity, and so on.

Previously, the onset of menopause does not relieve a woman from problems associated with age-related changes, but, on the contrary, in some cases only aggravates menopausal manifestations.

How to treat an early menopause?

The treatment of early menopause in women basically involves the elimination of unpleasant symptoms and the prevention of diseases associated with a lack of hormones. In developed countries, HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is widely used for this purpose in the early menopause. This method eliminates the very reason - the lack of estrogen and other hormones in the female body, therefore removes not only the symptoms, but prevents the appearance of characteristic diseases of this period. Thanks to the use of HRT in menopause:

However, for the treatment of early menopause in women, HRT should undergo a full medical examination. Since the use of ZGT preparations in menopause has a whole list of contraindications. Namely:

Therefore, HRT in the early menopause is prescribed strictly under the supervision of a physician. He also chooses the optimal drug for each patient individually.

The entire spectrum of drugs is divided into single-component (contain only estrogens) and combined (to the estrogens are added various progestins). Monopreparations can be taken orally in the form of capsules and tablets or through the skin with the help of gels and patches.

The combined substituents can be taken continuously and cyclically. When cyclic reception use biphasic drugs. To carry out continuous HRT with climax, mono-, two-, three-phase preparations, for example, Femoston, are used. In any case, the decision on how to treat early menopause is taken by the patient with the doctor's agreement.