False Pregnancy in Dogs - Symptoms

This phenomenon, like false pregnancy, is often found in animals, especially in dogs. This psychophysical process can manifest itself after unsuccessful fertilization and in non-bound bitches.

In the wild, the estrus in dogs of one flock occurs at about the same time, respectively, and the appearance of babies, too. In the body, a false mechanism is triggered, which, subsequently, will allow all individuals to rear their offspring, not even their own.

Signs of a false pregnancy in dogs

False pregnancy begins to appear 1-2 months after estrus. It can be "calculated" on several grounds. First of all, the mammary glands will increase, their pigmentation will change. Milk will start to be poorly allocated, appetite will be gone.

The behavior of the pet will also change. The bitch will begin to equip the lair: he will find a secluded place, where he will pull, for example, soft toys, he will lick them. The rest of life, such as walks, games, training, will cease to be interesting. False pregnancy in the toy-terrier, in other, like dogs of any other breeds, makes them jerky and nervous. The mother tries to protect the imaginary family from any contact with strangers.

Treatment and consequences of false pregnancy

As already mentioned, with a false pregnancy in yorks, for example, the symptoms are similar in representatives of all breeds. It should be noted that in small dogs this "side effect" is more difficult to notice. Should the hosts interfere? The answer is ambiguous. In most cases, the painful condition passes in a few weeks without outside interference. Speeding up the process can be by eliminating dairy products from the diet of the pet and reducing the amount of water consumption. Increase physical activity, protect the dog from communicating with puppies, do not need to express milk, as this only provokes the manifestation of maternal instincts.

The danger to the health of the individual is that during a false pregnancy in a dog, one of the symptoms is the accumulation of milk, which can lead to mastitis . Concentrating excess mucus in the uterine region can provoke purulent inflammation. Is there a false pregnancy that leads to death? Rarely, but it happens. Only a veterinarian can prescribe a medical treatment in the form of hormonal preparations. The correct way to get rid of pseudo-processes is surgical sterilization.