Daylily - landing and care in the open ground

Our garden plots and flower beds are rich in all kinds of beautiful flowers, one of which is the daylily, which in the open ground requires only the correct planting and minimal care. That is why the flower growers have long deservedly loved this unpretentious plant, which in the summer season will decorate any corner.

You can find flowers of the most incredible colors and various forms of petals. Many collectors have in their flower garden not only wild common forms, but also recently appeared hybrids of foreign selection.

Planting daylilies

To the plant abundantly bloom it must be properly planted in the hole. Do it better on a cloudy day in May or in August, since a late planting may not allow the plant to take root - this takes one month.

The hole is dug by the depth of 30 centimeters, and at the bottom it is necessary to make a small mound, on the slopes of which are located fleshy roots. It is important that the root neck is not buried below 3 cm in the ground. After the distribution of rootlets, which are previously cut to 15-20 cm, the soil around the bush is compacted and abundantly watered.

And although the requirements for the soil composition of the plant are low, but still it will blossom brighter and more abundant in a suitable area. The most important thing is to provide the plant with good drainage. But if this is not done for some reason, then a high crop, elevated above the rest of the flower bed, will be a way out of the situation.

The soil of the daylily is suitable as a mixture of loam with fertile humus, and also some amount of sand for better drainage. Before planting plants in a permanent place, you should thoroughly clean the area of ​​weeds and fertilize the land with superphosphate , because in one place the plant will live at least ten years.

Thinness of care

Growing a daylily and caring for it is quite a simple matter - it is enough to water the plant from time to time, and also fertilize once a season with Kemira-Lux or similar.

For the winter in the northern regions, the bushes of the daylily must be mulched with natural materials, but in warm regions it is not necessary, since the plant is very cold-resistant. Some species are semi-evergreen and do not completely discard foliage, but most species are deciduous and with the onset of autumn the above-ground part turns yellow, wilts and falls off.

Daylilies have faded - what to do next?

After three weeks you admired the magnificent bush with unusual flowers, you must remove the ugly protruding peduncles. At the same time, the overgrown bush is divided, which is carried out approximately for the third year of its life. After flowering to renew the force of the daylily, it is required to feed it with an integrated fertilizer for flowering plants.

Why does not the garden daylily flower?

The plant may not bloom or bloom at all in several cases. Perhaps the earth is so depleted that nutrients are not enough to blossom. In this case, the whole bush looks unattractive and painful. To improve the condition of the plant you will need to regularly feed it or transplant it to a more fertile solar patch.

The reverse situation, when planting daylilies "overfed", and then the lush greenery grows perfectly, but you do not see the flower stalks. If there is such a situation. That follows stop all sorts of fertilizing and, digging up a bush by a third, shorten the roots.

It happens that the daylily increases the chic green mass, but does not bloom. This is possible if the landing was not carried out correctly and the root neck was deep under the ground. In order to correct the situation, you should dig a bush and plant it in a new way.

Do not give full bloom to the plant can pests of daylilies, which eat bud from the inside, without even letting it ripen. These are thrips and lily mosquito. The fight with them is to remove the affected buds. In addition to them, the plant can attack slugs and vole-mice, as well as root rot, which arises from the overmoistening of the bush.