Antibiotics in gynecology with inflammation

When inflammation of female reproductive organs in gynecology is widely used antibiotics, as this is one of the most effective ways of treating inflammatory and infectious diseases. Also, antibiotics used in gynecology, give a good result when used in physiotherapy methods.

How are antibiotics prescribed in gynecology for inflammatory processes?

Depending on the gynecological disease, it is necessary to select the correct antibiotic and its dosage, and then the treatment will be successful. The scheme of effective selection of antibacterial treatment looks like this:

  1. It is best to pass tests to establish the sensitivity of the pathogen to a particular antibiotic, and after that the doctor will make appropriate appointments.
  2. If the sensitivity of the pathogen is not yet known, antibiotics with a wide range of uses are used.
  3. Treatment with antibiotic is not more than 7 days.
  4. Given that antibiotics act on the microflora of the genital tract, in gynecology they are prescribed together with antifungal drugs .

Antibiotics in candles

Candles that contain antibiotics in gynecology are very effective anti-inflammatory agents. They are of a local or general application, vaginal or rectal. Also, antibacterial candles are effective for infectious diseases in gynecology. Antibiotics released in the form of suppositories, suppositories, vaginal tablets and capsules are usually prescribed in addition to the tablets that the patient takes inside - so treatment passes faster, affecting the pathogens from both sides - locally and in general.

Antibiotics for uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding is a symptom of various gynecological diseases, including inflammation or infection. If the bleeding is not copious, then simply prescribe antibiotics to eliminate inflammation or infection, that is, the cause of bleeding, and the symptoms go away during treatment. However, if the uterine bleeding is severe, then antibiotics are prescribed in combination with blood-restoring preparations.