Squamous cell metaplasia of the cervix

First, we will understand the terminology: metaplasia is a change in the properties of the tissue, the acquisition by it of signs of another tissue within the diversity of a single embryonic leaf, that is, the tissue of a single histiotype. Most often this phenomenon occurs in the epithelial or connective tissue. According to the clinical classification, squamous cell metaplasia of the cervix refers to benign processes.

Mechanism of the process of metaplasia

Metaplasia of the epithelium of the cervix takes place long enough during the proliferation and differentiation of new, so-called, reserve or stem cells . In the cervix, the described process occurs precisely during the proliferation of cells. Most often, the cells of single-layer prismatic epithelium (characteristic of the cervical canal) replace cells of multilayered flat cells (located in the vagina). Or the creeping of squamous epithelium cells into cylindrical cells. Normally, there is a visible, clear line between these epithelium.

Causes of metaplasia of the cervix

Most often metaplasia is a response to a chronic pathological process, for example, inflammation, infection, changes in the hormonal background in the female body, a violation of the pH of the vagina, or a sign of healing of cervical erosion . When the aggressive influence of irritating factors ceases, the tissue returns to its normal morphological structure.

What to do with metaplasia?

It is not necessary to prematurely panic, metaplastic epithelium in itself is not a malignant formation and does not even refer to precancerous conditions. Although it is not a positive process and requires additional examination and clarification of the causal factor. It is like an adaptive reaction of the body to changed conditions, giving a signal about the existing pathological process. After this, individual treatment of cervical metaplasia is to be performed. In any case, this disease requires regular monitoring by the attending physician.