Inflammation of lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are the organs of the lymphatic system. They are filters for lymph that comes from different parts of the body. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. This condition often occurs after various infections and is accompanied by an increase.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Inflammation of cervical, inguinal, axillary and other lymph nodes occurs:

Any inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, groin, armpit, etc. shows such symptoms as:

If suppuration occurs, the signs become more pronounced, and the skin over the lymph nodes becomes bright red. The patient may develop chills and palpitations.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes

If symptoms of inflammation of one lymph node are observed, this does not mean that a person has a serious infectious disease. Most likely, this lymph node simply works much more actively than others. In most cases, over time, it will return to normal size.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm or in other parts of the body, while there is no suppuration - conservative. The patient is recommended to act locally on the lymph node chloroethyl (spray it for 1 minute). After this procedure, the skin will harden a little and freeze, this is absolutely normal. After a few sprays, the development of the inflammatory process stops completely. After this treatment procedure, you can also apply to the node Heparin ointment borate Vaseline or Troxevasin.

If the inflammation is specific, the infection that caused it should first be eliminated. As a rule, antibiotics are used for this:

Surgical intervention is prescribed only in case of acute necessity, when there is a suppuration. The affected area is opened after local anesthesia, after which it is drained, and then seams are applied.