Antibiotics for pneumonia

Of all the groups of medications with which from time to time you have to face everyone, antibiotics are considered to be the heaviest. Despite the fact that they affect the body extremely negatively, sometimes it is impossible to do without the help of these drugs. With pneumonia, for example, only antibiotics can provide really effective help and prevent possible negative consequences of the disease.

How are antibiotics selected for pneumonia?

Inflammation of the lungs is one of the most serious and life-threatening diseases. Its main pathogens are viruses, bacteria, fungi. With pneumonia, the lung region stops functioning, which, of course, is unacceptable for the body. Therefore, the disease requires compulsory treatment. Cope with the same viruses and bacteria can only be using antibiotics.

Surprisingly, even today people continue to die of pneumonia. It is important to understand: the sooner you start to treat pneumonia, the less antibiotics you will have to drink and the higher the chances of a successful recovery. Medication must be prescribed by a specialist after a complete examination.

Previously, only penicillin was used to fight pneumonia. There was no alternative, no need to find an alternative medicine. Now everything has changed: harmful microorganisms have developed resistance to penicillin, the remedy has ceased to be effective, and he has to look for a replacement individually for each patient.

The way in which antibiotics will treat inflammation of the lungs is determined empirically. So you need to be prepared for the fact that the first prescription medication (even chosen based on the results of the study) may not be appropriate. To replace an antibiotic is necessary in the event that after a lapse of three or four days, its effect is invisible. Depends on the choice of medicine from:

What antibiotics to treat pneumonia?

Antibiotics treat any form of pneumonia. In most cases, treatment is carried out permanently under the constant supervision of specialists. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment course, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed to patients.

Immediately after the diagnosis is made with pneumonia, antibiotics are prescribed in injections. Intramuscular and intravenous administration of drugs allows maintaining a high concentration of antibiotics in the blood, due to which the fight against bacteria is more intense. When the patient goes on the amendment, he is prescribed antibiotics in tablets.

Today, for the treatment of pneumonia, these antibiotics are used:

It is very important to drink the whole course and not to throw the medication halfway. Otherwise, the disease may return soon.

The origin of the disease not only determines which antibiotics should be consumed with pneumonia, but also allows the selection of concomitant medications. So, with the fungal origin of pneumonia in parallel with antibiotics, you will also have to drink special antifungal agents. If the inflammation of the lungs is caused by viruses, antiviral drugs are added to the treatment course.

Antibiotics on the body are very strong. With prolonged use, they weaken the immune system and adversely affect the intestinal microflora. That there were no problems with a dysbacteriosis, in parallel with antibiotics it is necessary to accept probiotics .