Green tea raises or lowers the pressure, how to drink a drink hypotonic and hypertensive?

Food and beverages can influence the blood pressure. Especially those that contain caffeine. A question that often interests people who are constantly using green tea: does this drink raise or lower the pressure? Depending on the fortress and the variety it is allowed to drink both hypotonic and hypertensive patients.

Green tea - properties

A drink, known for more than 4000 years, produces from the same sorts of tea as black, red or yellow. But the leaves collected from the bush are treated in a special way: they do not fade, they do not undergo fermentation. As a result, the maximum benefit is stored in green tea , the composition of the drink has more than 1500 substances: minerals, amino acids, tannins, vitamins, trace elements. The unique chemical composition of the brewing causes its medicinal properties. How does tea work on the body:

How does green tea affect pressure?

There is no consensus that green tea raises or lowers blood pressure. There are supporters of the fact that the drink increases the rates, and those who hold the opposite opinion. Each opinion is true in its own way. Green tea and pressure are somehow connected. But much depends on the brewed variety of the drink, strength, individual characteristics of the organism, possible deviations. Green tea contains natural antioxidants that affect the walls of blood vessels in the best way. A healthy person can feel the tonic effect of just one cup.

Recent research by Japanese scientists has shown that eating without a break, no less than a few months, a green herbal drink leads to a persistent decrease in blood pressure indicators. It decreases by 10-20 units. A single drink intake, according to studies, did not affect BP, and continued use can help with the initial stage of hypertension.

Hot green tea - raises or lowers the pressure?

A warm, hot drink, especially sweetened, - regardless of black, green or red - stimulates certain reactions of the body and leads to a short-term expansion of the vessels. Does the pressure of green tea, when drinking it hot? If you properly brew tea leaves - at least 7-9 minutes - the drink will allocate the necessary amount of caffeine . Its consumption will lead to a slight increase in blood pressure, and then it will return to normal. But those who are used to caffeine, can not feel the effect of toning brewing.

Does cold green tea lower or increase blood pressure?

In contrast to a hot drink, cold tea causes a backlash of the body. To achieve this effect, the tea should be slightly brewed (1-2 minutes), cooled, not diluted with milk, jam or sugar. Answering a common question: Does the pressure reduce green tea and how is it done? - need to clarify that the effect is achieved through a mild diuretic action of the drink.

Green tea with hypertension

Many drink fans are convinced that green tea lowers blood pressure and is useful in hypertension, but its impact on indicators is ambiguous. Active ingredients in the composition cause a short-term decrease in blood pressure. In this case, a large number of other components - alkaloids, including caffeine derivatives - increases the heart rate, and the pressure jumps: first increases, and then stabilizes. Hypertension should be careful, regularly consuming this drink. If the increase in blood pressure is caused by autonomic dysfunction, generally abandon it.

Can I drink green tea at high pressure?

It is believed that the use of caffeinated drinks is prohibited in hypertension, as they are able to raise the already high blood pressure. In a green herbal drink, caffeine contains even more (3-4 times) than coffee. The effect lasts not for long, and yet with severe forms of hypertension it is better to abandon the consumption of tea leaves. Green tea at high pressure can do a disservice. But if you do not grow strong drinks and do not abuse them, green tea is allowed to drink to everyone.

On whether the pressure reduces green tea, its usefulness for hypertensive patients depends. Preventive action against this disease has such tea varieties as:

How to drink green tea at high pressure?

Given all the risks and knowing the peculiarities of his pressure, a person should not deny himself a favorite drink. Green tea under increased pressure is allowed to drink in limited quantities - no more than three glasses per day. It is recommended to brew a small amount of leaves and a short time and add a lemon slice, which reduces the pressure by 10%. Tea ceremony should be conducted according to all rules:

Green tea with hypotension

As a rule, when asked whether green tea raises or lowers blood pressure, they get an answer, which is slightly increased. For this reason hypotonics this drink is not contraindicated. It is believed that because of the high content of caffeine, the herbal collection provokes a jump in blood pressure. Unfortunately, not all green tea raises blood pressure. Everything depends on the physiological characteristics of the particular organism.

Can I drink green tea with hypotension?

A condition characterized by a lowered blood pressure can be normalized with the help of herbal tea. Getting into the blood, contained in the drink, caffeine exerts an exciting effect on the body. Chemical reactions are triggered, adrenaline is developed, the heart works more actively, and the person feels a surge of energy. The influence of green tea on blood pressure is not proven, and all manifestations are individual. But with a steady drop in blood pressure, an invigorating drink cup can restore the rates back to normal. Hypotonic tea is not prohibited, but with all the recommendations.

More caffeine is found in tea varieties, the cultivation of which was influenced by several factors. So increasing the pressure effect has a drink:

How to drink green tea under reduced pressure?

It is important to properly brew and consume green tea at low pressure. To dramatically increase the caffeine content, the drink should be poured with boiling water (water of temperature not lower than 80 degrees) and insist at least 5-7 minutes. The drink should show a slight taste of bitterness. For the prevention of hypotension, it is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of a healthy drink a day and monitor your health, reacting to every sign of a malaise. Green tea, depending on the preparation and variety, raises or lowers the pressure. It is important not to allow back reactions to occur.

Because of problems with pressure, you should not deny the pleasure of enjoying your favorite drink. You can circumvent the risks by following all the recommendations and knowing green tea raises or lowers the pressure, used in what quantities and how cooked. The main rule is for the drink to bring good: to choose a quality tea, which includes natural ingredients, and after each drunk cup pay attention to the improvement or deterioration of the condition. If there are suspicions that tea adversely affects your well-being, stop taking it or contact your doctor for advice.