Remedy for warts in the pharmacy

Do you have warts? Do not rush to use all known folk methods or use threads to remove them. After and the application of education most often do not disappear, but only spread to the skin. It is better to buy a remedy for warts in the pharmacy. Much faster copes with this problem and prevents the occurrence of relapses.

Solutions from warts

If you decide to buy funds from warts and papillomas in the pharmacy, pay attention to the solutions. Before applying solutions it is advisable to steam the wart in hot water. They have good cauterizing properties, and they are very easy to use. Typically, to remove small warts, a single treatment will be sufficient. Those with large educations will need a set of procedures.

The best solutions are:

  1. Ferezol is an oily liquid for external use. It cauterizes the formations and simultaneously disinfects the skin. Apply it pointwise only 1 time. You can process the tumor several times, but only by taking a break for drying.
  2. Verrukatsid - the most gentle remedy for warts on the face, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It does not damage healthy tissues and very quickly removes new formations.
  3. Colomac is a solution based on salicylic acid. This drug does not cauterize the wart, but softens its tissues. Apply it 1 drop twice a day for 3 days.

If you apply a burning solution from warts, then the area around them must be greased with cream or petroleum jelly.

Ointments and creams from warts

In the pharmacy there are many means for removing warts in the form of ointments and creams. They are popular because they are also very easy to use. The group of these drugs include:

  1. Viferon - the active substance of such an ointment is interferon, so it has an antiviral effect. Apply it only once a day. The course of treatment can be 5-30 days, it all depends on the size of the warts.
  2. Oksolinovaya ointment - a drug that has an antiviral effect. This ointment is applied to the formulations three times a day for a month. If you have large and old warts, the duration of treatment is slightly increased.
  3. Imiquimod - this cream helps to remove formations, but when using it, avoid sunlight. Apply Imiquimod at night 3 times a week. This cream should not be used for people prone to various allergic reactions .

Other remedies for warts

If you need to buy a drug from the plantar warts in the drugstore, then it's best to choose Panavir gel . This is an effective antiviral medicine of plant origin. This gel penetrates deep into the skin and completely destroys the root of the formation. It also stimulates the production of an antiviral protein, such as interferon. Panavir is applied to the wart 5 times a day for 10 days.

Isoprinosine - the best remedy for warts in the form of tablets, which is in the pharmacy. Take them should be 2 pieces three times a day for 2 weeks. If necessary, then this course can be repeated, but only after a month.

To get rid of warts, apply and special plasters, for example, Salipod . They glue it directly at the formation. It has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect, since it is made on the basis of sulfur and salicylic acid. Salipod paste for 1-2 days, and then soak the wart in water and well treat it with a hard pumice (to remove dead layers). If the formation of a large patch needs to be pasted several times.