Myopia and hyperopia - what is it?

Many have heard about the age-related problem of most people associated with impaired vision. Myopia or hyperopia begins to develop - but not everyone knows what exactly it is. So, in middle-aged people, the ciliary muscle loses its former elasticity and can not properly contract or strain. This leads to an inadequate change in the curvature of the lens. And the element of the eye itself loses its elasticity and can not change as before. And this leads to poor eyesight.

The difference between hyperopia and myopia

With myopia, a person can clearly see objects in the immediate vicinity. But the vision in the distance is already blurry, and the whole picture seems, as if in a fog. If farsightedness develops, people on the contrary can perfectly see things that are far away. Another difference is the origin of the disease. Hyperopia usually develops with age, and myopia is most often due to genetic abnormalities, so the latter is usually manifested in adolescents.

Many do not know how to identify and understand, myopia or hyperopia, and whether there is any ailment at all. To do this, you can conduct a simple experiment: try to read the book at a different distance from the eyes. If the text is equally visible at a distance or near - with the eyes all is well and do not worry. If the words can be disassembled, when the book is nearby - this indicates short-sightedness. If on the contrary - only in the distance is visible - farsightedness. But it is better to visit a doctor.

Nearsightedness and farsightedness simultaneously

There are cases when a person begins to see badly near and distant objects. The thing is that different areas of the eye can differently capture light waves. It turns out that the beam does not focus at one point. Such a pathology is called " astigmatism ". It has the properties inherent in both nearsightedness and farsightedness.

This ailment can appear as a result of several factors:

Often it becomes interesting to people whether myopia can go into hyperopia, or vice versa. There is no unequivocal answer. But it is clear that most often these ailments simply unite. The problem is manifested by blurred vision, rapid eye fatigue and often headache. If the disorder has a weak form, then most often the person simply does not experience any unpleasant sensations. In most cases, patients learn about astigmatism only after examination with the appropriate specialist.

"Minus" - is it myopia or hyperopia?

With certainty, it can be said that "minus" is short-sightedness. It has three phases of development:

The disease consists in the fact that the focus of the picture is in front of the retina, and not on it. Therefore the eye is not able to see things that are at a distance.

In this case, glasses and contact lenses should have a negative diopter. Depending on the stage of the disease, the means for improving vision are ascribed to a permanent or only periodic use.

With age, the ailment deteriorates, so periodically you need to change lenses or glasses in glasses to those that will suit a person in this period of time.

If vision "plus" - is hyperopia or nearsightedness?

If the expert appoints glasses with lenses "plus", then the patient has a long sight. It has exactly the same phases of development. But the manifestation is different: the picture is focused behind the retina, which makes it difficult to examine objects located nearby.