Pests of currant and control measures

Currant is an excellent source of vitamin C, but sometimes it takes a lot of work to grow it. Especially annoying gardener all kinds of insects, which are striving to settle in the emerald foliage.

There are many pests of currants and the control measures against them will be successful if you constantly inspect the bushes for infection, while insects have not yet attacked the planting entirely.

How to deal with pests of currants?

In fact, it is not so difficult to defeat annoying insects, the main thing is to set the goal and go to the end. Fighting pests of currants will be effective both folk ways, and chemical and both can be combined.

Currant aphid

Noticing the twisted leaves and paths of ants, busily scurrying up and down at the tops of the shoots, we can safely assume the colonization of plants by the colony of aphids. It can be black, but most often in our region there is emerald green.

The processing of currant from these pests is carried out in early spring, in order to kill larvae that have overwintered on the plant. For this purpose, the drug "Nitrofen" is used. In the summer period, "Nitorophos" and "Carbophos", as well as 0.2% solution of Anabasin sulfate, are used. All this is desirable to do before the ovary or after harvest.

Spider mite

The protection of currants from pests includes the fight against a spider mite, which is not so easy to detect due to its small size. It can be suspected by changing the color of the leaves in the spring. They gradually turn pale, then turn yellow and eventually wither. Turning the sheet the other side you can see a thin spider web.

About how to treat the currant from such pests tell us the very nature - the bushes are processed with infusion of onions and garlic. From chemistry, applied from a spider mite, it will be effective to spray with Carbophos after the first leaves are blown and then after flowering.

Currant glasscane

This insect is insidious in that the fruits of its life activity can be seen only in the second year of life, when already afflicted branches die off. A small inconspicuous butterfly lays the larvae in the cracks of the cortex, from where they enter the core, becoming caterpillars. Eating everything on their way, they leave brown excrement, completely depriving the feed line. Only when it is broken can you find these parasites.

It is possible to fight pests only when wilting and drying up of branches are discovered. They are cut to the root and burned. For prevention in the spring after flowering, bushes are sprayed with "Aktara" or "Iskra" preparations. Of harmless methods used herbal infusions - tansy, celandine, mustard.