Inflammation of the intestine - symptoms and treatment

A group of diseases that are accompanied by abnormal inflammatory processes on the walls of the mucous membranes of the thick, thin, sigmoid, 12-finger or rectum are often denoted by the collective term "inflammation of the intestine." In the therapy of such diseases, it is of paramount importance to establish an agent that provokes a malfunction in the functioning of the organ. It is also necessary to find out why inflammation of the intestine develops - the symptoms and treatment of the disease are closely related to the causes of its occurrence.

Symptoms and treatment of acute inflammation of the intestinal mucosa

Regardless of the localization of the pathological process and the departments of the organ that affected inflammation, there are the following common signs of an acute form of the disease:

  1. Pain syndrome. Spasms of smooth muscles of the intestine can be pressing, stitching, breaking, cutting.
  2. Bloating. Violation of the bacterial flora is accompanied by a pronounced flatulence .
  3. Nausea and vomiting. Typically, these symptoms indicate inflammation of the small or 12 duodenal ulcer.
  4. Loss of body weight. Weight loss is due to inadequate absorption of nutrients.
  5. Violations of the stool. In inflammatory processes in the thick section of the intestine, constipation predominates, while in other cases - diarrhea.
  6. Changes in the composition of feces. Often in the feces are detected impurities of blood, mucus, purulent clots.
  7. Tenesmus. Before emptying the intestine, severe pain occurs near the anus.
  8. Increased body temperature. Hyperthermia occurs in bacterial and viral infections.

Depending on the clarified cause of the pathology, the treatment of symptoms and manifestations of inflammation of the intestine is carried out by antibiotics, antiviral, anthelmintic drugs.

In addition, pathogenetic agents are prescribed - sorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel), anti-inflammatory, enzymatic agents.

To combat pain and swelling apply antispasmodics (Drotaverin, No-Shpa) and defoamers (Espumizan).

Symptoms and treatment of chronic inflammation of the intestine

If the inflammation has passed into a chronic form, such clinical manifestations are noted:

It is worth noting that the type of diseases under consideration is wavy - remissions alternate with periodic relapses, in which all the symptoms of an acute form of pathology are resumed.

Treatment of symptoms of chronic inflammation of the intestine with capsules and tablets is not very effective. Control the activity of all departments of the digestive organ is possible only if the prescribed diet is observed. The treatment table should exactly correspond to the diagnosed disease, but it will be necessary to abandon the use of fatty meat, fried foods and alcohol.

Treatment of symptoms of inflammation of the intestines at home

Alternative medicine has effective natural means to cope with any form of the disease.

Recipe for the treatment of acute inflammation of the bowel


Preparation and use

Grind the ingredients, mix them. In the morning, pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, insist 35 minutes, strain and drink. Repeat the procedure in the evening.

Remedy for chronic inflammation of the intestine


Preparation and use

Boil all the listed ingredients in boiling water. Strain the solution after 15 minutes, drink every 2 hours. After 3 months of therapy, you can reduce the frequency of drug consumption to 3-4 times a day.