Secondary immunodeficiency

Secondary immunodeficiency is the weakening of the immune system, which is not congenital (genetically conditioned), but acquired during life. Infectious diseases with poor immunity are difficult, therapy takes longer and less effective.

Classification of secondary immunodeficiencies

The following forms of secondary immunodeficiencies are distinguished:

According to the nature of the current, immunodeficiencies are divided into:

Also, immunodeficiency states are classified according to the severity of the manifestation. Thus experts mark:

Causes of secondary immunodeficiencies

On the etiology (cause of occurrence) secondary immunodeficiencies are divided into:

Manifestation of a syndrome of secondary immunodeficiency

Clinic manifestations of immunodeficiency states is diverse. To suspect an immunodeficiency it is possible on following signs:

Treatment of secondary immunodeficiency

Patients who are diagnosed with immunodeficiency syndrome, experts recommend first of all to follow a healthy a way of life with obligatory refusal of bad habits, observance of a rational mode of day, the organization of the balanced food and preventive maintenance of infectious diseases.

In the presence of fungal and bacterial infections, the reception of appropriate medications is indicated.

Often, therapy involves the administration of immunoglobulins (intravenously or subcutaneously) and the administration of immunomodulators .

In severe cases, the doctor may recommend bone marrow transplantation.