Increases or lowers the pressure of Corvalol?

Corvalol is a drug that is famous in the countries of the former USSR, and which is banned for sale in many Western countries. If this drug is very popular with us, thanks to its sedative properties, then in a number of countries of the West its components are equated with narcotic substances and are prohibited for importation.

The analogue of Corvalol in the West is Valocordin. It is used in situations where, due to nervous overstrain, a person experiences anxiety, panic and increased heartbeat.

Our medicine is highly popular not only for its properties, but also for its cheapness. It is used as an inexpensive sedative, and for this reason people with depressive disorders often have to take larger doses every time, because Corvalol is addictive and tolerance develops. Thus, the simple and habitual, at first glance, Corvalol, can cause serious consequences like any other medication, and therefore you need to study more carefully - what happens in the body when a person takes Corvalol.

How does Corvalol affect pressure?

To answer the question, raises or lowers the pressure of Corvalol, it is necessary to study its composition.

So, Corvalol is a combined drug that has an antispasmodic and sedative effect. In its composition there is an extract of peppermint that depresses the central nervous system. Including, because of peppermint, Corvalol helps to make sleep deep and calm. Mint is also known for its spasmolytic effect on the body.

Ethyl ether - another important component of Corvalol - this substance has an action similar to valerian, and also, like mint, has an antispasmodic effect.

Phenobarbital is the ingredient that Corvalol is banned from in some countries (for example, in Poland and Lithuania). In a number of countries it relates to narcotic substances - it increases the sedative effect of other components, depresses the central nervous system and promotes the speediest onset of sleep.

So, judging by the substances included in its composition, we can say that we have an effective sedative that suppresses the central nervous system. In this connection, one can for certain say that Corvalol, if it helps to lower the pressure, is only the lower one. Influencing the heart rhythm, Corvalol reduces heart contractions, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

If the pressure index is caused by nervous overexertion or weather conditions (due to IRR), Corvalol in this case will also contribute to a decrease in pressure due to sedation.

Corvalol at elevated pressure

So, it is possible to answer the question affirmatively - whether Korvalol reduces pressure - yes, because of the influence on the heart rhythm and the general sedative effect. But it should be borne in mind that Corvalol is able to lower only the lower index of high pressure, while the upper pressure after taking Corvalol in most cases retains the index, and changes only after taking tablets from hypertension diluting blood and having a diuretic effect.

Corvalol at high pressure should be drunk in the dosage indicated in the instructions - from 15 to 30 drops 3 times a day. You need to take half a glass of water and dilute the substance in it.

Corvalol at low pressure

Because Corvalol lowers blood pressure, it should be considered for people with hypotension. If you need to take Corvalol, then you should take the minimum dosage - 15 drops. If you drink a large amount of Corvalol, then it can lead to a fainting condition.

People prone to low blood pressure should not take Corvalol systemically - there are many sedatives that do not have a depressing effect and do not affect blood pressure.