Flatulence - Causes

The formation and evolution of gases in the human intestine is not a pathology, it is quite a normal process associated with the vital activity of bacteria inhabiting mucous membranes. If the described mechanism causes pain and discomfort, it is flatulence - the causes of the disorder can be both in the features of nutrition, and in serious diseases of the digestive system.

The causes of flatulence in the intestine

Anaerobic, as well as aerobic microorganisms are designed for the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The first type of bacteria emits gases when processing these substances, especially if the food contains a high amount of coarse fibers, cellulose and fiber. Aerobics consume part of the gas formed, its remains are removed during defecation, arbitrary or involuntary acts of flutulent (ejection). Normally, the volume of gases released by bacteria does not exceed 0.9-1 liters.

Elevated flatulence - the causes

This disease is caused by factors that can be conditionally divided into 2 groups: temporary disorders and pathological conditions.

The first type refers, in the main, to cases of flatulence when certain foods predominate in the diet. The second type of causes combines serious diseases, most often with a chronic character of the course.

Causes of flatulence after eating

A common factor, why there is increased gas formation, is the use of milk or sour milk products by people with lactose intolerance. It should be noted that the most active in this case show cheese of solid varieties.

In addition, frequent flatulence has the following reasons:

Also important is the volume of liquid drunk. With water deficiencies in the intestine, bacteria usually release more gases.

Severe persistent flatulence - causes

Diseases that cause the described pathology:

In the presence of the above diseases, flatulence is only an accompanying symptom, and the treatment of pathology will be to treat the source of the problem.

Morning in the Morning - Causes

Some people experience discomfort only after awakening. The release of gases from the morning is a normal process if it passes painlessly, since with prolonged stay of the body in a lying posture, the flutulenium is hampered and its amplification is quite natural after the organism adopts a vertical position.

Strong flatulence in the morning occurs when eating disorders. It is important to remember that the last meal should be carried out no later than 3-4 hours before going to bed. Otherwise, the food does not have time to digest and the process of fermentation inevitably begins in the intestine.