Hysterical psychopathy

The propensity to dramatize life, dramatize petty situations, egocentrism and pretentiousness has its name in psychiatry. Moreover, this is a whole disease, which most often develops in childhood with the light hand of loving parents. It is a question of hysterical psychopathy, defeat of the central nervous system.


First of all, the disease can be hereditary and the child, alas, can be born with a ready diagnosis. But much more often, the cause of hysterical psychopathy is the microclimate in the family. The diagnosis can be put already in the childhood, only having looked at constantly cringing legs of the capricious child. Such a child in most cases - long-awaited, late and single. The death of a brother or sister aggravates the development of the disease, then the parents will not refuse anything to their child, they will not punish, but, on the contrary, will protect, praise and praise.

Picture disease

So, the main symptoms of hysterical psychopathy are the constant desire of the patient to be in the center of attention, demonstrative behavior, pretentiousness. Emotions of such people are superficial, as well as their affection for others. They are difficult at work and in the family, they do not tolerate infringement of dignity, too painfully react to "unprofitable light".

Often with psychopathy of a hysterical type, patients reach suicidal performances, and before the onset of symptoms of diseases that are not inherent in them. They are characterized by a "lump" in the throat, "wadded" legs, hysterical blindness, dumbness, at times they really (because of autosuggestion) can not move without help, although there are no physiological prerequisites for this.


During the moments of exacerbations, the treatment of hysterical psychopathy consists in taking medications, tranquilizers, neuroleptics. Hypnosis and psychotherapy are also used.

It is also possible to prevent this disease. This is a family therapy, which should be used by the parents of excessively spoiled and capricious children.