Inhalation with laryngitis in children

The modern method of inhalation with laryngitis in children is a nebulizer. With the help of this device, the smallest particles of the drug fall directly into the respiratory system, bypassing the digestive tract.

What inhalations do laryngitis nebulizer children?

It is important that a qualified doctor treat this serious illness. Most often the first days of illness the child spends in a hospital, after which he is prescribed to be cured home. There, the mother will continue the prescribed course of treatment, which includes inhalation with:

  1. Mucolytic - Lazolvan, Ambroxol, which dilute sputum.
  2. Spasmolytic - Salbutamol (Ventolin), Berodual, removing the spasm of the bronchi and muscles of the larynx.
  3. The hormonal drug Pulmicort, which removes the puffiness of the larynx and in this situation is anti-allergic.
  4. Fizrastvorom, alkaline solutions - mineral water Borzhomi, Luzhanskaya, soothing sore neck.
  5. Antiseptic means - Dekasan, Furatsilin, Miramistin.

It should be remembered that not all drugs can be used with a nebulizer. The same Lazolvan can not be used in the device as a sweet syrup. For this, there are ampoules with a clean agent, plastic nebules or bottles with a drug in a large dosage (100 ml).

Priority of inhalation therapy

Nebulizer inhalations are administered to children from the first year of life. This device has no contraindications. The only thing that you should pay attention to is the time between inhalation of different drugs. It is necessary to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. A drug diluted in saline solution is poured into the medicine container. Do not use distilled, boiled or plain water.
  2. First, the baby is given an expectorant.
  3. After a lapse of 20 minutes, after the baby clears his throat, he is inhaled with an antiseptic or hormonal drug (in turn) to reduce the spasm of the larynx.

Such visits during the day can be from three to seven, depending on the doctor's appointments. Now we know the answer to the question - is it possible to do inhalation for children with laryngitis. This is the fastest and most effective way to remove the swelling of the glottis and to eliminate the inflammatory process.