Treatment of enterovirus infection in children

Enterovirus infection is one of the most common childhood infections. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as from dirty hands. Since there are a lot of enterovirus infections, that is, having had one type of infection, the child can easily catch another, since he will not have immunity against him.

This infection is terrible because it affects any one area (intestine, heart, nervous system, etc.) and affects quite strongly. Therefore, you should definitely go to the hospital. But to know how to treat with enterovirus infection is necessary, because knowledge never hurts, especially in an emergency situation. Therefore, let's consider the plan of measures for enterovirus infection and step-by-step analyze its treatment.

Enterovirus in children - treatment

General measures of treatment are mandatory bed rest, diet and, of course, medicines. There is no specific drug against enterovirus infection, therefore, since the virus affects a specific organ, treatment is prescribed according to it. For example, if the throat is affected, it will be a spray for the throat, etc. That is, drugs for enterovirus infection directly depend on which organ was affected by enterovirus. Most often, doctors allow patients to be treated in a home environment, but in severe cases, when there is a certain danger, for example, if the disease affects the heart, nervous system or liver, or if there is a strong fever, the child is put in a hospital so that, it was possible to provide prompt assistance.

These are exclusively common features of the treatment, now let's take it all in more detail.

Drugs for enterovirus infection in children

As mentioned earlier, treatment depends on what organs the enterovirus has hit. When enterovirus infection, antiviral drugs are used, antipyretic, and also drugs for treating the affected organ - sprays for the throat, fixing from indigestion, if the virus struck the intestines, drops if the eyes are damaged, etc. Antibiotics for enterovirus infection are prescribed only when a bacterial infection is added to the virus. Treatment must be appointed by the doctor! Self-medication in this case can be really dangerous to health.

Disinfection with enterovirus infection in children

The room in which the child is located should be ventilated, kept clean. It is also necessary to wash your hands and observe personal hygiene, as the enterovirus is transmitted through the feces, that is, after washing it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap. As in the fight against any disease, purity is the key to victory.

Diet in case of enterovirus infection in children

Also in the treatment complex includes a diet. Especially it is necessary for enterovirus intestinal infection, but in other cases the body needs to be given a respite. Food should be simple, easily digestible. Light soups, cereals, etc., that is, to feed the child should be that, undoubtedly, it is useful for the organism and at the same time it is easily absorbed by it.

Prevention of enterovirus infection in children

We end with the topic of prevention of enterovirus. Vaccination against this infection does not exist yet, so the only preventative measure is personal hygiene , because, as already mentioned, cleanliness is the most important. Another prevention, in fact, and no.

Treatment of enterovirus infection in children occurs about 3-4 weeks, that is, one month. At this time, you can not go out on the street, so as not to become a walking vector of the disease and not infect other children. The main thing is to comply with bed rest, doctor's recommendations and not engage in self-medication, as this is fraught with consequences and often not very pleasant.