Speech development of the child

Despite the fact that the child's speech development begins with his birth, the necessary prerequisites for this have already been laid in utero. If the baby hears well and sees, he does not have neurological disorders that affect the tone of the muscles of the tongue and lips, then he will most likely easily master the pronunciation of sounds. To improve communication skills, including mastering new words, the little one should be sure that communication brings pleasure and benefit. And strangely enough, but it is you who can contribute to the speech development of your child at an early age. To do this, respond to his call, because he is trying to establish cooperation with you, and he needs your help. More often keep in touch with him, sing songs, read poetry. Accompany repetitive procedures with verses. During the day, include a variety of music, listen to it with him, sing along, and when you lay down to sleep, you can sing a lullaby.

The main indicators of early speech development will be a longer smile or response to the facial expressions of your baby. A happy karapuz accompanies his joy by saying simple sounds: "a", "e", "o". A little later, there is a revelry. Your morning will start with sounds like "ay", "ay", "y-s", "gy-s". Most children begin to pronounce something indicating sounds closer to the first year of life. But there are perfectly healthy guys who do not rush to talk. Thus, the child's speech development depends on his temperament and features of nature. A friendly-minded child, the child-fidget tries to speak earlier, while the more relaxed, can watch for a long time the world around him, before he has a desire to express his opinion.

The main features of the child's speech development

The peculiarity of speech development is the connection with the surrounding child's atmosphere and the attitude of others around him. He requires constant attention, and even if he can not tell you anything, he still needs your communication very much. If, for some reason, the mother does not seek to communicate with the child, then he can close in himself. You should not command them - thus you can deprive him of any initiative, because he is too young to express his opinion or just leave.

Late they begin to talk and those children, for whom the whole family cares. Guessing the slightest desire, you only interfere with the baby - these children will not have the incentive to ask or demand from their parents. Another feature of the child's speech development is that children are much more difficult than adults who study foreign languages. They must remember not only the pronunciation of the object, but also its purpose. Thus, without clarifying the purpose of the subject, asking the crumb to repeat after you some word does not make any sense. So, the speech development of a child up to a year entirely depends on your desire to communicate with him. But still it happens that your baby actually has problems with the development of speech.

The causes of speech delay in children:

Treatment of delayed speech development in children

Treatment is carried out with the help of a large group of specialists: neurologist, defectologist, reflexologist and speech therapist. In such cases, the child needs to undergo a course of drug treatment. A defectologist will help develop memory and thinking, attention and motor skills. Reflexologist with the help of microcurrent reflexotherapy, can activate speech zones of the brain. A speech therapist will help your child correctly "put" sounds and hold a course of speech therapy massage.

Many children of preschool age have minor lag in their speech development. Most guys initially pronounce all the words wrong, but over time they are getting better and better. Some children can not control certain sounds. Sometimes this can be caused by clumsiness of the tongue. If the child develops normally, if he is happy and everything is all right in his life, minor backlogs in speech development are not a problem. In such cases, it is sometimes necessary to correct the baby in a friendly tone. But in no case should you treat his pronunciation too seriously and blame it. You can help your child to cope with this problem by playing with them in speech games for preschoolers. Such games can be "A chain of words" - say any word, and on that letter, on which this word ends, let your child come up. For example: an apple - a deer - a thread - a turkey, etc. To expand the children's verbal stock of antonyms, offer to play the game "Say a turn". The essence of the game is that the child can find the right word. For example: sweet cake, and medicine ... it's light in the day, but at night ... it's cold in winter, and it's hot in summer ... etc. You can come up with an infinite number of speech exercises, each time more and more complicating them, thereby developing the mental abilities of your child.