Beespine - medicinal properties

Often connoisseurs of honey and propolis neglect the medicinal properties of bee podmor. The thing is that they call the body of insects, who could not survive the winter period, or rather, their dried chitinous shells. Let's consider, in what cases it is recommended to use a scuff.

Therapeutic properties of bee podmorona and contraindications

The medicinal qualities of the product are based on the content in the chitinous shells of bees of a substance such as chitosan. In its composition there are:

As a result, the use of diving allows you to remove inflammation, reduce blood pressure. Thanks to chitosan, the skin is quickly restored after wounds, toxins and salts of heavy metals are released.

Along with the therapeutic qualities, there are contraindications. In general, we are talking about an allergic reaction to bee products. In addition, it is not recommended to use funds with a sub-measure in the presence of a mental disorder, acute infectious processes. Contraindication is heart failure.

Currently, recipes based on the medicinal qualities of bee soup are used in almost all areas of medicine. Let's get acquainted with the most popular ones.

Recipes based on the medicinal properties of winter bee

The product is often used to reduce weight.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

The ingredients are heated on a low heat. As soon as the solution begins to boil, the broth is pounded for half an hour. Cool the broth, filter and take three times a day immediately before eating. At one time, a tablespoon is enough.

You can use another recipe for weight loss.

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

In the evening, carefully place the shredded scallop in a thermos bottle and pour it over with boiling water. The infusion time is 12 hours. To drink the filtered infusion it is necessary in the morning for half an hour before a meal. The recommended dose is half a glass.

Therapeutic properties of honey bees for joints

Prescription medication


Preparation and use

Pour boiling water shredded podmor. The infusion time is 15-20 minutes. The finished infusion is filtered through a cheesecloth or cotton cloth folded several times. This fabric is used for compresses - apply to the affected area for a quarter of an hour.

Therapeutic properties of beeswax for women and men

The therapeutic properties of bee podmorah are useful for women, as they can be used for complex therapy of mastopathy.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

The shavings are carefully ground and steamed with boiling water to make a mashed steamed mass. It is slightly squeezed and applied as a compress. Keep the product needed for half an hour.

Especially appreciated are the medicinal properties of the tincture of bee podmora. With her help, you can significantly increase immunity and resist, for example, prostate adenoma.

Tincture recipe


Preparation and use

The sub-grind is ground to a dust state. The resulting raw materials are poured into a bottle of dark glass and poured into vodka. For 2 weeks insist means in a cool place. Ready tincture should be filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Before meals, 15-20 drops should be drunk daily. The treatment time is 1-2 months.

If you are a supporter of treatment with folk remedies, pay attention to the bee colonel. But first consult with your doctor, perhaps you are contraindicated this amazing tool.