Where is Macedonia?

An energetic, progressive, changeable twentieth century contributed not only to the development of science and technology. He also touched the political map of the world, completely removing it from some states and settling others. Following the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia also vanished into oblivion, in the place where Macedonia arose. More information about where Macedonia is located, you can learn from our article.

Where is Macedonia?

One of the parts of the former Yugoslavia, and now the independent Republic of Macedonia, should be sought in the center of the Balkan Peninsula, which is in the south-east of the European continent. This beautiful mountainous country has no direct access to the sea and is adjacent to Albania , Serbia, Kosovo, Bulgaria and Greece. By the way, with the latter, Macedonia has been arguing over the past two decades about the name, which the Greeks consider their property. The Macedonians do not agree with this categorically. At the moment, the question of the name's affiliation remains open. Despite this, relations with Greece, as well as with other neighbors on the mainland, Macedonia maintains good, conducting active trading with them. The country is famous for its mountain resorts, on the routes of which competitions of European and world level are held.

How to get to Macedonia?

Anyone who wants to see with their own eyes all the beauties of Macedonia, should be ready for a long journey with several transplants. Unfortunately, there is simply no way to get from the CIS countries to Macedonia without transplants.

By plane from Moscow to Macedonia, you can get in this way:

By train from Moscow to Macedonia, you can get the following routes:

Whichever route was chosen, the trip will have to cross at least three borders, which means that apart from a large time expenditure, such a journey will require the registration of transit visas.

Direct trains, recovering several times a day, connect Macedonia with Greece and Serbia, so justified and this way to get into this wonderful country.