Variety of orchids

This flower is rightly considered the champion in the number of varieties. To date, there are about 22 500 varieties of orchids that exist simultaneously, which means that soon you can expect the appearance of new species.

New varieties of orchids

How did the new varieties arise? The fact is that all orchids produce oiled secrets. It is these oils that are collected by the bees to feed the larvae. During the collection, bees carry on themselves and pollen. This is how nature created many varieties of orchids. As soon as the flower enters new conditions, it adapts to new types of bees and the process of pollination begins again. Scientists have proved that growing next-class varieties can have pollen on different parts of the bee's body, which indicates the possibility of creating new varieties in one family.

How to determine the variety of orchids?

If the flower does not bloom at the moment, then it will be extremely difficult to determine its grade, but even during flowering it is not easy. Outwardly, species can radically differ from each other, but can be very similar.

To begin with, we will learn to determine which group the flower belongs to. Before you determine the variety of orchids, carefully consider the way it develops. Based on the features of branching, conventionally the plants are divided into monopodial and sympodial. Plants of the first group throughout life have apical shoot, which gives the plant the possibility of unlimited growth. This group includes all the lianas and rosette species. At the same time, the stem grows very slowly, and the upper leaves are collected in a rosette. Inflorescences and lateral shoots arise from the lateral buds.

From monopodial sympodial plants differ in that the apical bud dies. In some species, it moves to the inflorescence when the plant reaches a certain height. Escape ceases to grow, at its base a new growth begins. Plants of this group have sufficiently thickened stems, over time they turn into tubers of round or elongated shape.

Phalaenopsis orchid: varieties

Among all varieties and species of orchids this is considered to be the most unpretentious. For this kind of distinctive feature is monopodial growth. Each year the plant gives two leaves. The flowers bloom gradually from the base to the top. Flowering lasts for several months. Consider the most popular varieties of phalaenopsis orchids:

Sorts of indoor orchids

In addition to phalaenopsis, there are several other species that can be grown at home. For example, encyclies. These flowers have flowing leaves and are evergreen. In the house they can live no more than 5 years. Angreakums are also grown. These flowers are quite impressive in size. The plant forms a trunk and sufficiently powerful air roots. Blossom at any time of the year. The flowers are waxy and very smell at night.