International Day for Tolerance

Although in the modern world there are tendencies towards globalization, nevertheless, the problem of intolerance is still very acute. Cases of the infringement of human rights in connection with racial, national or religious affiliation, as well as the need to draw attention to them, made the establishment of the International Day for Tolerance logical.

The reasons for the establishment of the Day of Tolerance

The modern world is not at all relieved of the problem of intolerance for one reason or another. Although science has long established that all races and nationalities are the same in their mental and physical development, and various deviations from the norm, to a greater or lesser extent, indicators are manifested only at the level of individual individuals, there are still a large number of cases of hostility and extremism in connection with the national or race. There are also a large number of conflicts based on religious intolerance, some of which even grow into open armed confrontations. And this is despite the fact that the majority of the most widespread religions in the world preaches tolerance and kindness towards one's neighbor, including a representative of a different faith. All these reasons also gave impetus to the establishment of a certain date, in which special attention will be paid to the problem of tolerance.

Day of Tolerance and Tolerance

This day is celebrated annually on November 16. The choice of this date is due to the fact that it was on this day in 1995 that the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance was adopted, which was signed by the states that are members of UNESCO's international organization. A year later, the leadership of the United Nations Organization invited its members to support the good intentions to establish tolerance and tolerance around the world and by its resolution announced the date of November 16 as the International Day of Tolerance.

On this day in many countries of the world there are various events devoted to the development of tolerance towards people with different skin color, nationality, religion, culture. Now the world is becoming multicultural, and the problem of a person's self-identification is more acute than ever. To realize one's differences from others is necessary, but it is worth accepting and understanding the desire of another person for their own choice and the ability to translate those values ​​that are closer to him, if this occurs in conditions of peaceful coexistence of cultures.