Psychology of sex

The arguments and arguments about the psychology of sex have been maintained since the time of the creation of the world and, obviously, will continue as long as the day of the apocalypse. Why, then, seemingly uncomplicated from the physical point of view, the act, which is so natural for most living creatures on earth, in the representatives of the human race causes such an ambiguous perception that far exceeds the mere instinct of reproduction? The answer is simple: we are reasonable and due to this we strive to understand the truth that is hidden behind the source of pleasure.

Big Bang

At first glance, psychology and sex are two diametrically opposed zones in human nature. After all, the first one is 100% connected with the consciousness and our inner "I", and the second - pure water biological instinct of species conservation. In fact, everything is not so simple. This may seem strange, but orgasm first of all occurs in the head, and only after our consciousness compares all the segments necessary for obtaining pleasure and confirms the presence of subjective stimulating factors (for example, the appearance and manner of the partner's behavior, a certain setting or situational component), the brain will give the go-ahead for the "Big Bang", from which a new universe is entirely capable of being born.

Love does not love

The psychology of men in sex is very different from that of women, which is due, first of all, to the natural distribution of roles in the issue of procreation. All actions in this "fascinating process" of the representatives of the stronger sex are subordinated to only two basic tasks: to have fun and to obtain explicit evidence of their dominance, that is, he considers the female orgasm exclusively, as confirmation of his alpha male status and nothing more.

The beautiful sex perceives everything happening a little from a different point of view: the female subconscious considers sex as an indisputable proof of love and a pledge that the partner chosen by her will take care of her and her descendants. Often the psychology of women in sex is mistakenly reduced to the concept: sleeping with me means loving, which is fundamentally different from the male vision of this situation. Emotional and sometimes rational component of relationships for women is much more important than simply getting pleasure and this explains the statistics that 65% of beautiful ladies are ready to sacrifice orgasm or just to imitate it, in order to make the loved one feel like a "god" or , in the case of communication by calculation, which can bring her certain life bonuses. Thus, sex in the psychology of a woman is not an unconditional factor, placing pleasure in the priority, although undoubtedly getting it is important, both for the lady herself and her partner.

What is important?

The psychology of love and sex stands on two cornerstones: the instinct of reproduction and the ability to build harmonious relationships, having the ability to compromise. And if two people know how to hear each other, then in principle it will not be difficult for them to come to a "consensus" in terms of what exactly one of them expects from the other.

Often the first sex, whose psychology is very important (after all it will be formed on him further ideas about the ideal partner and how to generally have a close relationship) puts emphasis on the priorities and sexual preferences of a person. For the first time, everyone remembers everything, no matter what feelings, negative or positive, he left behind. And consciously or not, but we will compare all our subsequent sexual experience with it, making it the zero point of reference in the coordinate system. Something will be better and will be deposited in our memory under the sign of plus, and something is worse and we will throw it into the minus archive of memories.

In the modern world, sex is seen primarily as a source of pleasure (and no matter in what form it happens), and only then, as a way to conceive a child. How correct is this perception of the future model of society, in which it will be necessary to live those who may not have been taught to love, but only to engage in this love, completely rejecting such aspects as romance, sensuality, and most importantly, the stability of family ties. History shows that usually after all possible ways of obtaining pleasure become widely available and cease to have limitations, even the greatest empires collapse and nature tries to guide mankind into a new path of development. But who is learning from his mistakes? There is something to ponder over, is not it?