Dishes from turnip - benefit and harm

Dishes from turnips were popular even in Ancient Rus and Ancient Rome. At first, root crops were considered poor people's food, but over time they learned how to cook so deliciously that the dishes from it occupied a worthy place on the table of aristocrats.

The benefits and disadvantages of turnip meals

From the roots you can cook many dishes that have not only an unrivaled taste, but also a huge amount of useful substances. Nutritionists and doctors recommend recipes of meals from turnip to their patients, so that all appreciate its useful properties. What is the benefit of root crops:

  1. The turnip contains a lot of fiber, which normalizes the activity of the intestine and the digestive system as a whole. Coarse fibers help prevent stagnation of nutrients and cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins. In addition, they help reduce cholesterol .
  2. Simple meals from turnips are low-calorie, so they can safely include in their diet for people who are watching the weight or want to get rid of extra pounds. In 100 g of root crops contains only 27 kcal, and this is due to the fact that they are 90% water.
  3. The composition of root crops includes a rich set of vitamins, for example, ascorbic acid in them is more than in cabbage. In addition, turnip can boast of the presence of a large number of micro- and macroelements.
  4. Useful properties of turnips and dishes from it are due to the presence of magnesium, which contributes to the development and better absorption of calcium . That is why it is recommended to use root crops for the bone system.
  5. The positive influence of turnip on the work of the liver and on the production of bile is proved. This is due to the sulfur content, which disinfects the blood and activates the process of destruction of kidney stones.
  6. Turnip has a sedative effect, so it is recommended to use it for nervous overexcitation. Located substances act on the body like sedatives.
  7. Dishes from turnips are useful for diabetics, since they contain a rare enough substance glucurafanin, which has antidiabetic effect.
  8. The turnip contains phytoncides, which causes an antibacterial effect on the body. That is why, since ancient times, the crushed vegetable is used for compresses.

In addition to the benefits of dishes made from turnips, can bring the body and harm. First, it can happen in the presence of an individual intolerance of the product. Secondly, a person can get harm when exacerbating a number of diseases, for example, colitis, gastritis, etc.
