Treatment of arthritis of the knee joint - drugs

Such knee joint disease as arthritis not only worsens the quality of life, causing permanent disturbances in motor activity, but also reduces its duration. Therefore, it is very important to correctly develop a therapeutic scheme that will slow the progression of pathology and support the regenerative processes in tissues. The main medicamental treatment of arthritis of the knee joint is drugs designed to stop the inflammatory process, pain syndrome, as well as the restoration of an erased cartilaginous tissue.

What medicines to treat arthritis of the knee joint?

The classical complex of preparations for conservative therapy of the considered illness includes means from the following groups:

Let's consider more in detail each type of preparations.

Effective anti-inflammatory drugs for arthritis and arthrosis of the knees

The following names are used from non-steroid medications:

The main component of knee arthritis therapy are basic anti-inflammatory drugs:

Glucocorticosteroids for the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis

The described group of medications can be used systemically and locally, locally.

In the first case, the drug of choice is Prednisolone in low dosages.

For periarticular and intraarticular injections, the following are used:

Biological drugs in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis as a new direction in the treatment of joint diseases It is important to clarify that the type of medicines in question has nothing to do with dietary supplements. Biological preparations carry out a purposeful blocking of the main causes of inflammation, their name is due to the use of biotechnology in the production process.

It is recommended to use the following names of similar means:

In Russia, only 2 medicines from this group were registered: Remicade (based on infliximab) and Mabter (based on rituximab).

Drugs-chondroprotectors for knee arthritis

Means for the restoration of cartilaginous tissue are available in different dosage forms.

Oral (powders, tablets, capsules):


Injections for intramuscular injections:

Solutions for intraarticular administration:

What anaesthetising medicines to treat arthritis of the knee joint?

To stop the pain syndrome in medical practice, it is recommended to use both non-narcotic analgesics and opiates. Most often choose such names of drugs:

Additional medicines for the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis

As supporting and symptomatic therapy, it is advisable to take the following types of drugs:

Their choice is carried out individually according to the needs of the patient.