Day of the sun

Even the youngest schoolchildren know that the life of our planet is inextricably linked with the Sun - the brightest star that we see in the sky. The earth revolves around this yellow dwarf, close to the planet more than others. So, to the star Proxima, which is part of the Alpha Centauri system, from the Sun is also 4.22 light years. The sun for our Earth is a powerful light and heat source that gives energy to the cosmos. It is thanks to him that the animal and plant world receive warmth and light. This star forms the most important properties of our atmosphere. And even more - the entire planetary ecology. Without the Sun, there would be no air that is needed by all living things, no light.

The Feast of the Sun

The sun, biomass, sea waves and wind are the energy raw materials, without which life is unthinkable. They constantly surround us and they are easy to use, because there is no need to conduct any excavations, fishing out resources from the bowels. These natural materials do not form dangerous radioactive waste and do not lead to the production of toxic waste. This energy is called renewable.

In order to attract the attention of the people of our planet to the opportunities that renewable sources of energy give us, the members of the European branch of the International Solar Society organized the celebration of World Sun Day, which since 1994 is celebrated on May 3 every year. This holiday, the Day of the Sun, is organized on a voluntary basis.

Every year on May 3, enthusiasts, professionals and public companies, organizations in all European countries celebrate a sunny holiday with a variety of activities, but they are all aimed at demonstrating to Earthmen the possibilities of the inexhaustible and so necessary for the planet energy of our star. Open and private days are held in private and experimental houses and design and research institutes. For scientists, the Day of the Sun is a holiday when it is possible to meet informally at a round table with colleagues and discuss social, technical and economic aspects of energy.

Interesting fact

April 15 in Korea, too, celebrate the Day of the Sun, but under the Sun means Kim Il Sung, who was born on this day. Koreans receive sets of sweets and scarce food (and sometimes household appliances) from the "Sun of the Nation".