Is it possible to fish on the Trinity?

The Trinity is one of the great church holidays, which have been celebrated for many centuries in a row. It is not surprising that he not only has his own traditions, but also is connected with a lot of superstitions. In that, what signs about fishing are connected with this day, and whether it is possible to fish for the Trinity, we will understand today.

Is it possible to go fishing on the Trinity?

On this issue, there are two opinions, one related to the official position of the church, the second refers to the signs of fishing for the Trinity. First, let's look at the official position.

Clergymen say that this day you can not do work, as this is a holiday, and you should visit the church and defend the service, as for the question of fishing, then the Bible does not forbid to entertain and enjoy this way. Therefore, according to the opinion of the priests, it is possible to fish for the Trinity exactly, as well as arrange picnics or other recreational activities. Some priests themselves are not averse to this holiday to please themselves with such an exciting activity as fishing.

Fishing for the Trinity - signs

Now we turn to people's beliefs, our ancestors adhered to the diametrically opposite opinion on the question of whether it is possible to go fishing to the Trinity. It was believed that on this day Rusalchin begins to fumble and approaching the ponds becomes dangerous. Our ancestors believed that the Trinity of mermaids and other water evil spirits begins to drag to the bottom of bathing people, fool the fishermen and force them to commit suicide. Therefore, to go fishing that day was considered deadly fun, which could end in tragedy. Of course, the official church believes this belief as nothing more than superstition, which clergymen simply do not take seriously, but many people and to this day are sure that in Rusalchin you can not approach the rivers, lakes and other water bodies simply.

What position you will follow depends on your beliefs. Just remember that a believing person should not be superstitious, so you have to choose one thing, or you do not see anything dangerous in fishing in the Trinity , because you think mermaids are mythical creatures, or you believe in such evil spirits and do not want to take chances. In any case, be sure to go to church and visit the service, this is really necessary for the Trinity, it's really a great holiday, which should be celebrated in a certain way.