The pests of eggplants and the fight against them

Many people like to grow aubergines in their summer cottages. A real problem that can affect the future crop is the pest eggplant , and therefore fighting with them is of great importance.

How to deal with pests on eggplants?

Discovering in its garden uninvited guests, damaging the leaves or fruits of the plant, each summer resident asks the question: what to spray the eggplant from pests? To make a decision, it is necessary to understand what kind of a species you are facing.

Leaf-eating pests of eggplant

This group includes such pests:

  1. Spider mite - lives on the underside of the leaves and sucks their juice. As a result, small holes, light spots and spots form on the leaves, and then twist and dry them. For prevention, the autumn digging of the soil is carried out. For spraying use "Fitoverm", "Envidor", "Actellik".
  2. Colorado beetle - nibbles the leaves of bushes. It is collected by hand and destroyed in a saline solution or a decoction of tobacco. With a vast attack will help preparations "Calypso", "Confidor Maxi", "Prestige."
  3. Whitefly - affects the leaves of eggplant, planted in a closed ground. They appear white coating, they curl and dry up. The bushes are sprinkled with clean water and the bottom of the leaves is washed. Effective means are considered to be "Aktellik" and "Fosbetsid".

Pests of eggplant fruits

One of the most dangerous pests is aphids. It sucks the juices from the plants, infects the leaves and flowers, leads to underdevelopment of the fruit. Measures to combat it consist in the processing of eggplants before and after flowering with insecticides: "Actellik", "Decis Pro", "Aktara". When fruit appears, spraying with chemicals is prohibited. To help come folk remedies, for example, decoctions of wormwood, yarrow. The danger to the eggplant fruits is bare slugs. Destroy them will help treatment slaked lime, a mixture of tobacco dust and ash, pollination with bitter red or black pepper.

Thus, timely pest control measures will help you to save a crop of aubergines.