Prevention of ARVI in children

Acute respiratory diseases are indispensable companions of the growing up of each child. Immunity is formed gradually and one of the conditions for its formation is precisely the inevitable childhood cold and viral diseases, accompanied by a runny nose, cough, and often also a rise in body temperature.

These simple things are understood by all sensible parents, but, contrary to logic, it is quite natural and a desire to avoid these troubles. And then in all its glory, they face the urgent issue of preventing ARVI in children.

Measures to prevent influenza and ARVI

Since most of the diseases that children undergo in the autumn-winter period are of an infectious nature, they are usually combined with one abbreviation of ARVI, under which a wide variety of viruses and their strains are concealed. The main way of transmission of pathogens is airborne, which means that the risk of "catching" the disease exists wherever there is a congestion of people. In connection with these, the first and main preventive method is distinguished:

  1. Limitation of contacts with people in the period of aggravation of the epidemiological situation. This condition is quite feasible in preventing ARVI in infants and newborns - when the child is still in the wheelchair, has no direct contact with other children and there is no urgent need to visit with it public places that are potentially dangerous - shops, clinics, children's groups.
  2. As for preventing ARVI for older children, in particular, in kindergarten, then everything is much more difficult, because the team is large and the probability of infection is proportional to the number of "classmates". Therefore, as the child grows up, it makes sense to conceive and the second group of methods - nonspecific prevention of ARVI.
  3. Nonspecific prophylaxis of ARVI - this refers to a whole range of activities, among which: