Is there a destiny?

"So destiny ordered" - a rather common expression. But using it, many people do not think too much about the depth of its meaning. Is everything really predestined from above? Does fate or your life exist on your own?

Does a person have a destiny?

Many people, especially the older generation, are firmly convinced that what is written on the family can not be avoided. The same is claimed by different religious teachings: to each person God gives at birth a certain fate, within which he measures the number of trials and joys. Therefore, for believers, the question of whether there is a fate is not disputable. But atheists adhere to a completely opposite point of view, considering that only man himself creates his own future by his actions and can change his life at any moment. Serious psychologists in this matter adhere to the borderline position. They confirm that fate exists, but only within the framework of those ideas about it that a particular person has. That is, life in any case depends on his desires , but they can exist at a subconscious level. And all the positive and negative phenomena a person in his life attracts, but there is also a special core - events that can not fail to occur for objective reasons.

Is there a fate in love?

And one of such immutable facts is meeting with a loved one. The majority of both ordinary people and psychologists are sure that the question of whether there is a fate to be with a certain person, the answer can only be positive. Only scientists are guided not by ephemeral notions of predetermination, but proceed from the message that we can only love someone who looks like us, as if resonating with us in the same emotional field, simply speaking, is on the same wavelength.