God of Fortune

In different cultures, the god of luck seemed to people in different ways. In Slavic mythology, this mighty Veles, in the Greek - Kairos, and in Japanese beliefs there are as many as seven gods of happiness and luck . We will consider their features and origins.

Japanese gods of fortune

In the Japanese culture, there are seven gods of happiness who bring good luck and luck. They are often depicted in the form of small figures floating in a boat. It is worth noting that their images are not purely Japanese culture, but a cross between the beliefs of China and India. Each of these gods is the patron of a certain stratum of the population and is responsible for certain questions:

Figures that depict the seven gods of happiness, are called upon to bring luck and luck, to promote a good resolution of affairs.

The Greek god of fortune

In Greek, the most popular mythology, there is a god of a happy moment - Kairos. At the same time, by this word the Greeks denoted time, but not its usual course, which is called chronos, namely an elusive, unexpected moment. The Greeks believed that he was the younger immortal brother of Zeus.

The Greeks believed that Kairos draws a person's attention to that unique moment, when you need not to miss your chance, to orient yourself in a split second and take advantage of a lucky opportunity. This deity was on the list of the most revered, and was portrayed as a winged creature with a beautiful strand of hair and weights in its hands. It is the scales called to symbolize the wisdom of Kairos: a happy moment comes only in the lives of those people who deserve it.

At the same time, there is very little information about Kairos, it was rarely portrayed. He looks like an attractive, blooming youth, outwardly reminiscent of Dionysus.

Slavic god of fortune

Slavic god luck and luck are called Veles. This is a great sage, patron of sorcery and arts. According to legend, this is the only god who has known the powers of both Darkness and Light, due to which he owns the richest set of secret knowledge that allows changing the laws of the universe and subordinating the natural elements. The Slavs believed that it was thanks to Veles that the static world first found a movement in the broadest sense.

The people to Veles had a special attitude: after all, it was he who was considered the patron of fertility, economy and, as a consequence, wealth . He taught people arts and crafts, and also helped travelers to successfully reach the right place. Behind Velez, the image of a werewolf was established, in the past - a demigod-half-meditation, in this connection the imprint of the paw of this beast was considered a sacred symbol of the deity.

If we talk about the image of Veles, the Slavs usually represented him as a mighty hero in a cloak with a long beard, which holds a branch-staff in his hands.